//! Day 09 of 2021. use crate::prelude::*; /// Get the solution for day 09 of 2021. pub fn solution() -> Solution { Solution::new(Day::new(9, 2021), part_1, part_2).with_expected(600, 987840) } /// Type alias for an [`isize`] tuple. type Coordinate = (isize, isize); /// Type alias for a [`HashMap`] with [`Coordinate`]s pointing to a value. type HeightMap = HashMap; /// Constants for coordinate offsets to adjacent positions. const ADJACENT_OFFSETS: &[Coordinate] = &[ (-1, 0), // Left (1, 0), // Right (0, -1), // Up (0, 1), // Down ]; /// Parse the [`HeightMap`] from the puzzle input. fn parse_heightmap(input: &str) -> Result { let mut height_map = HeightMap::new(); for (y, line) in input.lines().enumerate() { for (x, height) in line.char_indices() { let height = height .to_digit(10) .ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Invalid input: {}", line))? .try_into()?; height_map.insert((x.try_into()?, y.try_into()?), height); } } Ok(height_map) } /// Parse the map bounds uzing the puzzle input. fn parse_map_bounds(input: &str) -> Result { Ok(( input .lines() .next() .map(|line| line.chars().count()) .ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Invalid input: {}", input))? .try_into()?, input.lines().count().try_into()?, )) } /// Discover all the basins according to the puzzle instructions. fn discover_basins( coordinate: Coordinate, discovered_coordinates: &mut Vec, height_map: &HeightMap, ) -> Vec { let mut coordinates = vec![]; for (x_offset, y_offset) in ADJACENT_OFFSETS { let neighbor = (x_offset + coordinate.0, y_offset + coordinate.1); if discovered_coordinates.contains(&neighbor) { continue; } discovered_coordinates.push(neighbor); match height_map.get(&neighbor) { Some(9) | None => continue, Some(_) => { coordinates.push(neighbor); coordinates.append(&mut discover_basins( neighbor, discovered_coordinates, height_map, )); } } } coordinates } /// The logic to solve part one. fn part_1(input: &str) -> Result { let height_map = parse_heightmap(input)?; let map_bounds = parse_map_bounds(input)?; let mut risk_level = 0; for y in 0..map_bounds.1 { 'x_loop: for x in 0..map_bounds.0 { let coordinate = (x, y); let height = height_map .get(&coordinate) .ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Coordinate {:?} not found", coordinate))?; for (x_offset, y_offset) in ADJACENT_OFFSETS { let neighbor = (x_offset + x, y_offset + y); if let Some(neighbor_height) = height_map.get(&neighbor) { if neighbor_height <= height { continue 'x_loop; } } } risk_level += 1 + height; } } Ok(risk_level.to_string()) } /// The logic to solve part two. fn part_2(input: &str) -> Result { let height_map = parse_heightmap(input)?; let map_bounds = parse_map_bounds(input)?; let mut basins = vec![]; let mut discovered_coordinates = vec![]; for y in 0..map_bounds.1 { 'x_loop: for x in 0..map_bounds.0 { let coordinate = (x, y); if discovered_coordinates.contains(&coordinate) { continue 'x_loop; } let height = height_map .get(&coordinate) .ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Coordinate {:?} not found", coordinate))?; if height == &9 { continue 'x_loop; } let mut basin = vec![coordinate]; discovered_coordinates.push(coordinate); basin.append(&mut discover_basins( coordinate, &mut discovered_coordinates, &height_map, )); basins.push(basin.len()); discovered_coordinates.append(&mut basin); } } Ok( basins .into_iter() .sorted_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a)) .take(3) .product::() .to_string(), ) }