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//! Day 15 of 2020.
use crate::prelude::*;
/// Get the solution for day 15 of 2020.
pub fn solution() -> Solution {
Solution::new(Day::new(15, 2020), part_1, part_2).with_expected(441, 10613991)
/// Solve the puzzle for a given target.
fn solve(input: &str, target: usize) -> isize {
let mut numbers = HashMap::new();
let mut previous_number = (0, (0, 0));
for (index, number) in input
numbers.insert(number, (index, index));
previous_number = (number, (index, index));
for index in numbers.len()..target {
let next_num = previous_number.1 .1 - previous_number.1 .0;
let num = numbers
.entry(next_num as isize)
.or_insert_with(|| (index, index));
num.0 = num.1;
num.1 = index;
previous_number = (next_num as isize, *num);
*numbers.iter().max_by(|a, b| a.1 .1.cmp(&b.1 .1)).unwrap().0
/// The logic to solve part one.
fn part_1(input: &str) -> Result<String> {
Ok(solve(input, 2020).to_string())
/// The logic to solve part two.
fn part_2(input: &str) -> Result<String> {
Ok(solve(input, 30000000).to_string())