# Returns the previous month as "Month Year" (ie. "April 2023"). # date-last-month-year date-last-month-year () { # The inner date "+'%Y-%m-01'" gets the date of the current month with 01 as the day. # Then that date has 1 day subtracted (date -d ... -1 day). # And finally "+'%B %Y'" gets the resulting date as the month and year. date -d "$(date +'%Y-%m-01') -1 day" +'%B %Y' } # Copies a section from a video using ffmpeg. # extract-clip extract-clip () { ffmpeg -ss "$2" -i "$1" -to "$3" -c copy "$4" } # Creates a new signed, annotated git tag. # gtag gtag () { git tag -s -a "$1" -m "Version $1" } # Tries to find a feed URL for any given URLs. # get-feed-url get-feed-url () { for input_url in "$@"; do html=$(curl -fsLS "$input_url") echo $(echo $html | select-html '[property="og:title"]' -a "content") echo $(echo $html | select-html '[rel="alternate"][type]' -a "href") echo done } # Create a directory and cd into it. # mc mc () { mkdir -p "$1" cd "$1" } # Select a window and resize it to the specified resolution. # resize-window [width (default: 1280)] [height (default: 720)] resize-window () { xdotool selectwindow windowsize ${1-1280} ${2-720} } # Converts any given files to 128K Opus using ffmpeg. # to-opus to-opus () { for input_file in "$@"; do output_file="${input_file%.*}.opus" ffmpeg -i "$input_file" -c:a libopus -b:a 128K "$output_file" done }