import { Command } from ""; import * as prompt from ""; export const runCommand = new Command() .name("run") .description("Run a command over a group of files and directories.") .option( "-d, --directory ", "Directories to include files from.", { collect: true, required: true, }, ) .option( "--include-directories", "Include directories found inside the directories.", ) .action(async ({ directory, includeDirectories }) => { await actionHandler({ directories: directory, includeDirectories: includeDirectories ?? false, }); }); async function actionHandler( options: { directories: string[]; includeDirectories: boolean; }, ): Promise { let command: string[] = []; const previousPromptArgs: Map = new Map(); const suggestedPromptArgs: Set = new Set(); const substituteMarkers = { absoluteFile: "$absoluteFile", filename: "$filename", }; for (const directory of options.directories) { console.log(`\n## Input for ${directory}`); const constructedCommands: string[][] = []; const prompts = await prompt.prompt([ { type: prompt.List, name: "command", message: "Arguments of the command to run separated by comma", default: command, suggestions: Object.values(substituteMarkers), }, { type: prompt.Confirm, name: "confirmCommands", message: "Manually approve each command invocation", default: true, }, ]); command = prompts.command ?? command; for await (const file of Deno.readDir(directory)) { if (!options.includeDirectories && file.isDirectory) { continue; } const absoluteFile = await Deno.realPath(`${directory}/${}`); const constructedCommand: string[] = []; let promptArgCount = 1; const substitutes = [ [substituteMarkers.absoluteFile, absoluteFile], [substituteMarkers.filename,], ]; argumentLoop: for (const argument of command) { if (argument === "$prompt") { const { promptedArg } = await prompt.prompt([{ type: prompt.Input, name: "promptedArg", message: `$prompt ${promptArgCount} for ${absoluteFile}`, default: previousPromptArgs.get(promptArgCount) ?? "", suggestions: Array.from(suggestedPromptArgs), }]); previousPromptArgs.set(promptArgCount, promptedArg!); suggestedPromptArgs.add(promptedArg!); constructedCommand.push(promptedArg!); promptArgCount += 1; } else { for (const [marker, substitute] of substitutes) { if (argument === marker) { constructedCommand.push(substitute); continue argumentLoop; } } constructedCommand.push(argument); } } if (prompts.confirmCommands) { const { confirmedRun } = await prompt.prompt([ { type: prompt.Confirm, name: "confirmedRun", message: `Run "${constructedCommand.join(" ")}"`, default: true, }, ]); if (!confirmedRun) { continue; } } constructedCommands.push(constructedCommand); } if (constructedCommands.length === 0) { console.log("\n No commands to run."); continue; } console.log("\n## Commands"); console.log( => c.join(" ")).join("\n")); const { confirmedRun } = await prompt.prompt([ { type: prompt.Confirm, name: "confirmedRun", message: "Is this correct", default: true, }, ]); if (!confirmedRun) { continue; } console.log("\n## Output"); for (const constructedCommand of constructedCommands) { await{ cmd: constructedCommand, }).status(); } } }