# The list of system packages to install. { pkgs, ... }: { environment = { systemPackages = with pkgs; [ aether-lv2 airwindows-lv2 android-studio apngasm ardour autorestic bat bento4 bespokesynth bolliedelayxt-lv2 bottom calf calibre carla catppuccin-cursors ChowCentaur ChowKick ChowPhaser chromium clang conky delayarchitect delta deno dig direnv distrho du-dust dupeguru eclipses.eclipse-java element-desktop ensemble-chorus eq10q eza fd ffmpeg fire firefox flameshot font-manager gegl geonkick gimp git git-lfs glab gnome.file-roller gramps handbrake helm hexyl hydrogen ifuse imagemagick jq keepassxc kitty libimobiledevice libnotify LibreArp LibreArp-lv2 libreoffice librewolf limitcpu lm_sensors lsp-plugins lutris mat2 mda_lv2 metersLv2 mod-arpeggiator-lv2 mpv nil nitrogen unstable.nixfmt-rfc-style nix-output-monitor nodejs nodePackages.pnpm numlockx nvitop odin2 osu-lazer pavucontrol peek picard pkg-config podman-compose pop-icon-theme prismlauncher protonup-ng protonvpn-cli protonvpn-gui python3 python311Packages.argcomplete python311Packages.pip python311Packages.pipx qalculate-gtk quadrafuzz restic resvg ripgrep rkrlv2 rnix-lsp sorcer sqlite-interactive sqlitebrowser standardnotes starship steam string-machine surge-XT swh_lv2 tap-plugins tauon tea temurin-bin tenacity transmission-gtk tunefish typst typst-lsp unstable.atuin unstable.turbo vagrant vital vscodium.fhs watchexec wolf-shaper x42-plugins xarchiver xclip xdotool xfce.xfce4-genmon-plugin xfce.xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin xfce.xfce4-timer-plugin xfce.xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin xorg.libXcursor zam-plugins (callPackage ./samrewritten.nix { }) (unstable.clonehero.overrideAttrs ( { postInstall ? "", ... }: { # Remove the built-in songs from Clone Hero. postInstall = postInstall + '' rm -rf "$out/share/clonehero/StreamingAssets/songs" mkdir "$out/share/clonehero/StreamingAssets/songs" ''; } )) (wrapOBS { plugins = with obs-studio-plugins; [ input-overlay obs-livesplit-one obs-pipewire-audio-capture obs-source-record obs-vkcapture ]; }) ]; }; }