import { Command } from "./dependencies.ts"; import { runAndReturnStdout } from "./utilities.ts"; async function main(): Promise { const { args } = await new Command() .name("simple-git-push") .description("Git push with some extra semantics.") .arguments("[...args:string]") .parse(Deno.args); const availableRemotes = await gitRemote(); if (availableRemotes.length === 0) { console.log("No remotes found"); Deno.exit(0); } const remotesToPush = ["origin", "github"]; for (const remote of availableRemotes) { if (remotesToPush.includes(remote)) { await gitPush(remote, args); } } } async function gitPush(remote: string, args: string[]): Promise { await new Deno.Command("git", { args: [ "push", "--follow-tags", remote, ...args, ], }).output(); } async function gitRemote(): Promise { const output = await runAndReturnStdout("git", { args: ["remote"] }); return output.trim().split("\n").filter((remote) => remote.length > 0); } if (import.meta.main) { void main(); }