import { Command } from ""; const hiddenApi = ""; const remoteApi = ""; async function main(): Promise { const { options } = await new Command() .name("tauon-controls") .description("Small remote control CLI for Tauon Music Box!") .option("--next-song", "Play the next song.") .option("--play-pause", "Toggle play or pause.") .option("--previous-song", "Play the previous song.") .option( "--volume ", "Change the volume by a relative amount", ) .parse(Deno.args); if (options.nextSong) { await fetch(`${remoteApi}/next`); } if (options.playPause) { await fetch(`${hiddenApi}/playpause/`); } if (options.previousSong) { await fetch(`${remoteApi}/back`); } if (options.volume !== undefined) { await fetch(`${remoteApi}/setvolumerel/${options.volume}`); } } if (import.meta.main) { void main(); }