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2021-12-30 22:40:57 +00:00
// Because the MusicBrainz API doesn't return a name or label for a link, like
// for example {"name": "Bandcamp", "url": "https://bandcamp.com/..."}, we have
// to figure out a name for each link. So all the known links are simply saved
// in a JSON file where we have a regular expression to test for and a
// replacement name to use instead. And whenever a link isn't matched to any we
// can just use the host name of the URL like "bandcamp.com".
import knownLinks from './known-links.json';
type KnownLink = {
regex: RegExp;
text: string;
const known: KnownLink[] = knownLinks.map((data: Record<string, unknown>) => ({
regex: new RegExp(data.regex as string),
text: data.text as string,
2021-12-30 22:40:57 +00:00
export default class RelationLink {
public readonly link: URL;
public readonly original: string;
public readonly text: string;
constructor(relationUrl: string) {
this.original = relationUrl;
this.link = new URL(relationUrl);
const knownLink = known.find(({regex}) => regex.test(this.link.host));
this.text = knownLink?.text ?? this.link.host;