import {Component, html} from 'htm/preact'; import ExternalAnchor from '../components/external-anchor.js'; import SearchBar from '../components/search-bar.js'; import SharedFooter from '../components/shared-footer.js'; export default class HomePage extends Component { render() { document.title = 'href+'; const links = { contribute: html` <${ExternalAnchor} text="anyone can do" url="" /> `, musicbrainz: html` <${ExternalAnchor} text="MusicBrainz database" url="" /> `, mbid: html` <${ExternalAnchor} text="MusicBrainz Identifier (mbid)" url="" /> `, }; return html`


<${SearchBar} />

What is this all about?

href+ is a website that hopes to make sharing links to music easier. By using the data from the ${links.musicbrainz} (an open encyclopedia for music metadata) we can provide an easy way to share a single link to all the platforms a song or album is available on, as long as someone has added those platforms to MusicBrainz, which ${links.contribute}.

To share a link you can either use the search bar above and find what you're looking for, or if you have a ${links.mbid} from somewhere else already, head to${' '} ${}/release/${''} directly.

<${SharedFooter} />
`; } }