//! # Steam RSS //! //! > **Get RSS feeds for Steam games.** //! //! *AGPL-3.0-or-later* #![forbid(unsafe_code)] #![warn(missing_docs, clippy::missing_docs_in_private_items)] use std::{thread::sleep, time::Duration}; use { clap::Parser, color_eyre::{install, Result}, regex::Regex, serde::Deserialize, serde_json::Value, }; /// CLI arguments struct using [`clap`]'s Derive API. #[derive(Debug, Parser)] #[clap(about, author, version)] pub struct Args { /// A game's AppID, can be used multiple times. #[clap(short, long)] pub appid: Vec, /// Output the feeds as OPML. #[clap(long)] pub opml: bool, /// The time in milliseconds to sleep between HTTP requests. #[clap(short, long, default_value = "250")] pub timeout: u64, /// Verify potential feeds by downloading them and checking if they return XML. #[clap(short, long)] pub verify: bool, /// A game's store URL, can be used multiple times. #[clap(long)] pub url: Vec, /// A person's steamcommunity.com ID or full URL, can be used multiple times. #[clap(long)] pub user: Vec, } /// A simple feed struct. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Feed { /// A potential alternate friendly URL, see [`SteamApp::friendly_url`] for an /// explanation. pub friendly_url: Option, /// The text to use for the feed in the OPML output. pub text: Option, /// The URL of the feed. pub url: String, } /// A small representation of a Steam game that is parsed from JSON. #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SteamApp { /// The AppID of the game. pub appid: usize, /// The name of the game. pub name: String, /// A friendly URL name of the game, some feeds will use this instead of their /// AppID for their RSS feed. /// /// For example, [Portal's feed](https://steamcommunity.com/games/Portal/rss) /// uses `Portal`, instead of /// [its AppID 400](https://steamcommunity.com/games/400/rss). /// /// Some games may also have a friendly URL different from their AppID but /// don't use it for their feed. Steam is weird. #[serde(rename = "friendlyURL")] pub friendly_url: Value, } fn main() -> Result<()> { install()?; let args = Args::parse(); let timeout = Duration::from_millis(args.timeout); let ureq_agent = ureq::AgentBuilder::new() .user_agent("Steam Feeds (https://git.bauke.xyz/Bauke/steam-rss)") .build(); let mut potential_feeds = vec![]; let mut feeds_to_output = vec![]; let store_url_regex = Regex::new(r"(?i)^https?://store.steampowered.com/app/(?P\d+)")?; let user_json_regex = Regex::new(r"var rgGames = (?P\[.+\]);\s+var")?; let user_id_regex = Regex::new(r"(i?)^\w+$")?; let user_url_regex = Regex::new(r"(?i)https?://steamcommunity.com/id/(?P\w+)")?; for appid in args.appid { potential_feeds.push(Feed { friendly_url: None, text: Some(format!("Steam AppID {appid}")), url: appid_to_rss_url(appid), }); } for url in args.url { let appid = store_url_regex .captures(&url) .and_then(|captures| captures.name("appid")) .and_then(|appid_match| appid_match.as_str().parse::().ok()); if let Some(appid) = appid { potential_feeds.push(Feed { friendly_url: None, text: Some(format!("Steam AppID {appid}")), url: appid_to_rss_url(appid), }); } } for user in args.user { let user_url = if user_id_regex.is_match(&user) { userid_to_games_url(user) } else if let Some(user) = user_url_regex .captures(&user) .and_then(|captures| captures.name("userid")) { userid_to_games_url(user.as_str()) } else { continue; }; let body = ureq_agent.get(&user_url).call()?.into_string()?; sleep(timeout); let games_json = user_json_regex .captures(&body) .and_then(|captures| captures.name("json")) .map(|json| json.as_str()); if let Some(games_json) = games_json { let games = serde_json::from_str::>(games_json)?; for game in games { let friendly_url = if game.friendly_url.is_string() { Some(appid_to_rss_url(game.friendly_url.as_str().unwrap())) } else { None }; potential_feeds.push(Feed { friendly_url, text: Some(game.name), url: appid_to_rss_url(game.appid), }); } } else { eprintln!("Couldn't scan games from: {user_url}"); eprintln!( "Make sure \"Game Details\" in Privacy Settings is set to Public." ); continue; } } if args.verify { let verify_feed = |url: &str| -> Result<_> { let response = ureq_agent.get(&url).call()?; sleep(timeout); Ok(( response.content_type() == "text/xml", response.into_string()?, )) }; for mut potential_feed in potential_feeds { let (mut is_valid_feed, mut body) = verify_feed(&potential_feed.url)?; // If the potential URL doesn't return `text/xml`, try the friendly URL // if one exists. if !is_valid_feed && potential_feed.friendly_url.is_some() { let friendly_url = potential_feed.friendly_url.as_deref().unwrap(); (is_valid_feed, body) = verify_feed(friendly_url)?; if is_valid_feed { potential_feed.url = friendly_url.to_string(); } } let verified_feed = if is_valid_feed { let title_start = body.find("").unwrap() + 7; let title_end = body.find("").unwrap(); Feed { text: Some(body[title_start..title_end].to_string()), ..potential_feed } } else { continue; }; feeds_to_output.push(verified_feed); } } else { feeds_to_output.append(&mut potential_feeds); } let mut opml_document = opml::OPML { head: None, ..Default::default() }; for feed in feeds_to_output { if args.opml { opml_document .add_feed(&feed.text.unwrap_or_else(|| feed.url.clone()), &feed.url); } else { println!("{}", feed.url); } } if args.opml { println!("{}", opml_document.to_string()?); } Ok(()) } /// Creates a Steam RSS URL from a given AppID. fn appid_to_rss_url(appid: D) -> String { format!("https://steamcommunity.com/games/{appid}/rss/") } /// Creates a user's Steam Games URL from a given User ID. fn userid_to_games_url(userid: D) -> String { format!("https://steamcommunity.com/id/{userid}/games/?tab=all") }