October 2018 by @Bauke

### Search Tags On the 16th, search was expanded to also include tags in the results so you can find that one obscure topic a little faster. You can find [the official topic here](https://tild.es/7j9). ### Brave Donations On the 25th, Tildes got the ability for users to donate via [Brave's BAT system](https://basicattentiontoken.org/), if you don't know what it is I recommend reading [their FAQ](https://basicattentiontoken.org/faq/#meaning) and the comments on [the announcement topic](https://tild.es/7vm). ### Six-Month Anniversary On the 26th, Tildes became 6 months old. And [a new demographics survey, the "Year 0.5 Survey"](https://tild.es/7x5), popped up from user @Kat. So if you haven't already (and the survey is still open), fill it out! Remember that you can skip any questions you don't want to answer. ### Bookmarks And finally, [on the spookiest day of the month](https://i.imgur.com/YZJt8WD.gif) a long-awaited feature, ["Bookmarking" was added](https://tild.es/83l)! Another open-source contribution, once again by @what. A merge request that's been in the works for [2 months](https://gitlab.com/tildes/tildes/merge_requests/27)! You can bookmark any topics and comments you like and they will show up on a new user page [called Bookmarks](https://tildes.net/bookmarks), which you can find in the sidebar on your profile, just above your invites.