import {promises as fsp} from 'fs'; import {join} from 'path'; import cheerio from 'cheerio'; import got, {Response} from 'got'; export interface OfficialTopic { date: Date; id: string; title: string; url: string; } async function entry(): Promise { const timeout = 250; const officialTopics: OfficialTopic[] = []; const baseURL = ''; let hasNextButton = true; while (hasNextButton) { // Set the URL to be downloaded, on the first iteration we won't have an ID for // `&after=` yet so we make sure to check for that. let getURL: string = baseURL; if (officialTopics.length > 0) { getURL += `&after=${officialTopics[officialTopics.length - 1].id}`; } // Download the page and load the HTML into Cheerio. const response: Response = await got(getURL, { headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Tildes Issue Log scraping Official Topics' } }); const html: CheerioStatic = cheerio.load(response.body); // Grab all topics from the listing. const topics: CheerioElement[] = html( '.topic-listing > li > article' ).toArray(); for (const topic of topics) { const $topic: CheerioStatic = cheerio.load(topic); // Topic IDs in the listing will start with `topic-` so remove that first. const id: string =; officialTopics.push({ date: new Date($topic('time').attr('datetime')!), id, title: $topic('.topic-title > a').text(), url: `${id}` }); } const paginationButtons: CheerioElement[] = html('.pagination') .find('.page-item.btn') .toArray(); // If all pagination buttons are "previous" buttons, stop the loop. if ( paginationButtons.every(val =>'prev') ) ) { hasNextButton = false; } await wait(timeout); } await fsp.mkdir(join(__dirname, '../pages/data/'), {recursive: true}); await fsp.writeFile( join(__dirname, '../pages/data/official-topics.json'), JSON.stringify(officialTopics, null, 2) ); } export async function wait(timeout: number): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, timeout)); } export async function getTopicsFromMonth( data: OfficialTopic[], year: number, month: number ): Promise { const topics: OfficialTopic[] = []; for (const topic of data) { = new Date(; if ( === year && + 1 === month ) { topics.push(topic); } } topics.sort((a, b) => -; return topics; } if (require.main === module) { entry(); }