June 2020 by @Bauke

### Another Very Short One Just like last month, this month's also a shorter one. Nonetheless, some things still happened: * Comments that are removed by a site admin and then deleted by the comment author will now show that it was removed. Previously it would show as deleted but the reason it was deleted is often because it was removed. * The specialized coronavirus views that were introduced [in March](https://til.bauke.xyz/2020/march.html#covid-19) and were visible at the top of the home page have been removed. * A [new feature was introduced](https://tildes.net/~tildes/pt7/you_cant_reply_to_this_user_yet_please_wait_29_minutes#comment-57nh) that added a hard delay when 2 people were replying to each other too quickly. It was removed a few days after the delay was being triggered more than @Deimos liked, but it will likely come back in the future in an improved form.