<h3 id="statistics">Statistics</h3> <p class="half-margin">In the month of {{ pageTitle }}…</p> <ul> {% if statistic.contributions.commits > 0 and statistic.contributions.authors > 0 %} <li> <strong>{{ statistic.contributions.commits }}</strong> {{ pluralize('commit', 'commits', statistic.contributions.commits) }} {{ pluralize('was', 'were', statistic.contributions.commits) }} made by <strong>{{ statistic.contributions.authors }}</strong> {{ pluralize('contributor', 'contributors', statistic.contributions.authors) }}. </li> {% endif %} {% if statistic.lines.added > 0 %} <li> <strong>{{ statistic.lines.added }}</strong> {{ pluralize('line', 'lines', statistic.lines.added) }} of code {{ pluralize('was', 'were', statistic.lines.added) }} added. </li> {% endif %} {% if statistic.lines.removed > 0 %} <li> <strong>{{ statistic.lines.removed }}</strong> {{ pluralize('line', 'lines', statistic.lines.removed) }} of code {{ pluralize('was', 'were', statistic.lines.removed) }} removed. </li> {% endif %} {% if statistic.issues.opened > 0 %} <li> <strong>{{ statistic.issues.opened }}</strong> {{ pluralize('issue', 'issues', statistic.issues.opened) }} {{ pluralize('was', 'were', statistic.issues.opened) }} opened. </li> {% endif %} {% if statistic.issues.closed > 0 %} <li> <strong>{{ statistic.issues.closed }}</strong> {{ pluralize('issue', 'issues', statistic.issues.closed) }} {{ pluralize('was', 'were', statistic.issues.closed) }} closed. </li> {% endif %} {% if statistic.mergeRequests.opened > 0 %} <li> <strong>{{ statistic.mergeRequests.opened }}</strong> {{ pluralize('issue', 'issues', statistic.mergeRequests.opened) }} {{ pluralize('was', 'were', statistic.mergeRequests.opened) }} opened. </li> {% endif %} {% if statistic.mergeRequests.closed > 0 %} <li> <strong>{{ statistic.mergeRequests.closed }}</strong> {{ pluralize('issue', 'issues', statistic.mergeRequests.closed) }} {{ pluralize('was', 'were', statistic.mergeRequests.closed) }} closed/merged. </li> {% endif %} </ul>