//! All [`Selector`]s used in parsing. use {lazy_static::lazy_static, scraper::Selector}; use crate::utilities::selector; lazy_static! { /// Selector for the group description. pub static ref GROUP_DESCRIPTION: Selector = selector(".group-short-description"); /// Selector for links to Tildes groups. pub static ref GROUP_LINK: Selector = selector(".link-group"); /// Selector for the activity section in group list items. pub static ref GROUP_LIST_ACTIVITY: Selector = selector(".group-list-activity"); /// Selector for the description section in group list items. pub static ref GROUP_LIST_DESCRIPTION: Selector = selector(".group-list-description"); /// Selector for the group name. pub static ref GROUP_NAME: Selector = selector("#sidebar h3"); /// Selector for the group subscriber count. pub static ref GROUP_SUBSCRIBERS: Selector = selector(".group-subscription-count"); /// Selector for sub groups. pub static ref GROUP_SUB_GROUP_LINKS: Selector = selector(r#"#sidebar .link-group"#); /// Selector for group wiki links. pub static ref GROUP_WIKI_LINKS: Selector = selector(r#"#sidebar [href*="/wiki/"]"#); /// Selector for the site header context. pub static ref SITE_HEADER_CONTEXT: Selector = selector(".site-header-context"); /// Selector for `