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3 Commits
0.1.0 ... main

Author SHA1 Message Date
Bauke 0d05333118
Version 0.2.0! 2022-10-03 23:38:52 +02:00
Bauke 667ab0c19f
Rewrite the readme. 2022-10-03 23:38:30 +02:00
Bauke 4808ed8244
Rewrite using askama and tildes-parser. 2022-10-03 23:38:25 +02:00
9 changed files with 966 additions and 800 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
# Compiled files and executables.
# Generated by Cargo
# Backup files generated by rustfmt.
# Code coverage results
# The actual Sitemap, to be copied to https://tildes.net/~tildes/wiki/sitemap.
# Markdown output directory

Cargo.lock generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -2,17 +2,24 @@
name = "tildes-wiki-sitemap"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Tildes Wiki sitemap generator."
repository = "https://git.bauke.xyz/Bauke/tildes-parser"
license = "AGPL-3.0-or-later"
version = "0.2.0"
authors = ["Bauke <me@bauke.xyz>"]
edition = "2018"
edition = "2021"
name = "tildes-wiki-sitemap"
path = "source/main.rs"
scraper = "0.12.0"
askama = "0.11.1"
color-eyre = "0.6.2"
indicatif = "0.17.1"
regex = "1.6.0"
ureq = "2.5.0"
version = "0.10.7"
features = ["blocking"]
git = "https://git.bauke.xyz/Bauke/tildes-parser.git"
rev = "08bf7ed"

Makefile.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
command = "cargo"
args = ["fmt", "${@}"]
command = "cargo"
args = ["check", "${@}"]
command = "cargo"
args = ["clippy", "${@}"]
command = "cargo"
args = ["test", "${@}"]
command = "cargo"
args = ["doc", "${@}"]
command = "cargo"
args = ["build", "${@}"]
dependencies = ["fmt", "check", "clippy", "test", "doc", "build"]
workspace = false
install_crate = "cargo-tarpaulin"
command = "cargo"
args = [

View File

@ -1,38 +1,17 @@
# Tildes Wiki Sitemap
# Tildes 📍 Wiki Sitemap
> Generates a Markdown file with all group wiki pages of Tildes.
> **Tildes Wiki sitemap generator.**
## Installation
### Binary
### Binaries
Precompiled binaries are available [here](https://git.holllo.cc/Bauke/tildes-wiki-sitemap/releases).
Precompiled `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` binaries are available on the [Releases page](https://git.bauke.xyz/Bauke/tildes-wiki-sitemap/releases).
### Source
## Feedback
Requires [Rust and Cargo](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) to be installed.
git clone https://git.holllo.cc/Bauke/tildes-wiki-sitemap.git
cd tildes-wiki-sitemap
cargo build --release
mv target/release/tildes-wiki-sitemap ./
## Usage
Make sure the file is executable, then run it. A `sitemap.md` file will be created with the results.
chmod +x ./tildes-wiki-sitemap
less sitemap.md
## Previous Version
If you're looking for the previous version of this program written in Go, [click here](https://git.holllo.cc/Bauke/tildes-wiki-sitemap/src/commit/18a96e9d541fd1e231574ceec4d4bdf5783e3b5f) to go to the commit before the Rust rewrite.
Found a problem or want to request a new feature? Message [@Bauke](https://tildes.net/user/Bauke/new_message) on Tildes or email [me@bauke.xyz](mailto:me@bauke.xyz) and I'll see what I can do for you.
## License
Open-sourced with the [AGPL-3.0-or-later license](https://git.holllo.cc/Bauke/tildes-wiki-sitemap/src/branch/main/LICENSE).
Distributed under the [AGPL-3.0-or-later](https://spdx.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0-or-later.html) license, see [LICENSE](https://git.bauke.xyz/Bauke/tildes-wiki-sitemap/src/branch/main/LICENSE) for more information.

askama.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
dirs = ["source/templates"]

View File

@ -1,97 +1,75 @@
use std::{error::Error, fs, thread, time::Duration};
//! # Tildes Wiki Sitemap
//! > **Tildes Wiki sitemap generator.**
use reqwest::blocking::Client;
use scraper::{ElementRef, Html, Selector};
#![warn(missing_docs, clippy::missing_docs_in_private_items)]
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let client = Client::builder()
use {
indicatif::{ProgressIterator, ProgressStyle},
tildes_parser::{Group, GroupList, Html},
mod templates;
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let http = ureq::AgentBuilder::new()
.user_agent("Tildes Wiki Sitemap")
// Get the HTML from the groups list.
let response = client.get("https://tildes.net/groups").send()?;
let body = response.text()?;
// Shorthand to download a URL and parse it to `Html`.
let download_html = |url: &str| -> Result<Html> {
// Parse the HTML.
let html = Html::parse_document(&body);
let group_list =
// Create a selector to grab all anchors that link to a group.
let selector = Selector::parse(".group-list .link-group").unwrap();
let groups = group_list
"{spinner} {pos}/{len} {bar}",
.map(|summary| {
// Sleep 500 milliseconds between HTTP requests.
// Get all the group link elements from the HTML.
let group_links = html.select(&selector).collect::<Vec<ElementRef>>();
// Create the sitemap with the info.
let mut sitemap = "# Tildes Wiki Sitemap\n\n".to_string();
sitemap += "Automatically generated by \
[this program](https://git.holllo.cc/Bauke/tildes-wiki-sitemap). \
[message @Bauke](https://tildes.net/user/Bauke/new_message?subject=Tildes%20Wiki%20Sitemap\
&message=Update%20the%20sitemap%20you%20doofus!) if this page is outdated and \
you can't run the program yourself.\n\n\
This page is a temporary placeholder to help wiki contributors navigate. \
Find this page easily by bookmarking it!\n\n";
let wiki_link_count = groups
.map(|group| group.wiki_links.len())
for group_link in group_links {
// Get the group name without the tilde.
let group_name = group_link.inner_html()[1..].to_string();
println!("┌ Processing ~{}!", group_name);
"Collected {} groups and {} wiki links.",
// Get the HTML from the group page.
let response = client
.get(&format!("https://tildes.net/~{}", group_name))
let body = response.text()?;
std::fs::write("output/sitemap.md", render_sitemap(groups)?)?;
// Parse the HTML.
let html = Html::parse_document(&body);
// Create a selector to grab all the anchors in the sidebar that lead to a wiki page.
let selector =
Selector::parse("#sidebar .nav a[href*=\"/wiki/\"]").unwrap();
// Get all the wiki URL elements from the HTML.
let wiki_links = html.select(&selector).collect::<Vec<ElementRef>>();
let wiki_links_amount = wiki_links.len();
// Create a selector to grab the group description.
let selector =
Selector::parse("#sidebar .group-short-description").unwrap();
// Get the group description from the HTML.
let group_description = html.select(&selector).collect::<Vec<ElementRef>>();
// Add the group as a new header.
sitemap += format!("## ~{}\n\n", group_name).as_str();
// If a group description is found, add it to the Markdown.
if !group_description.is_empty() {
let description = group_description.first().unwrap().inner_html();
sitemap += format!("> {}\n\n", description).as_str();
// If there's no wiki pages, add a little blurb with a link to create one.
if wiki_links.is_empty() {
sitemap += format!("There are no wiki pages for ~{} yet, \
[click here and be the first to create one](https://tildes.net/~{}/wiki/new_page), \
if you were granted the necessary permission to do so!\n", group_name, group_name).as_str();
// Loop over the links and add them in a list.
for wiki_link in wiki_links {
let wiki_page_title = wiki_link.inner_html();
let wiki_page_link = wiki_link.value().attr("href").unwrap_or("");
sitemap += &format!("* [{}]({})\n", wiki_page_title, wiki_page_link);
sitemap += "\n";
println!("└ Processed {} wiki links.", wiki_links_amount);
// Sleep 500ms between HTTP requests.
sitemap = sitemap.trim_end().to_string() + "\n";
fs::write("./sitemap.md", sitemap)?;
println!("✓ Done!");
fn render_sitemap(groups: Vec<Group>) -> Result<String> {
let duplicate_newline_re = Regex::new("\n\n\n+").unwrap();
.replace_all(&templates::SitemapTemplate { groups }.render()?, "\n\n")

source/templates/mod.rs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
//! Askama templates.
use {askama::Template, tildes_parser::Group};
/// The template for `sitemap.md`.
#[derive(Debug, Template)]
#[template(path = "sitemap.md")]
pub struct SitemapTemplate {
/// All groups to render in the sitemap.
pub groups: Vec<Group>,
fn test_sitemap_template() -> color_eyre::Result<()> {
let groups = vec![
Group {
description: Some("Example group description.".to_string()),
name: "~example".to_string(),
sub_groups: vec![],
subscribers: 12345,
wiki_links: vec![
tildes_parser::GroupWikiLink {
name: "Example Page".to_string(),
url: "https://example.org/~example/wiki/example_page".to_string(),
tildes_parser::GroupWikiLink {
name: "Example Page".to_string(),
url: "https://example.org/~example/wiki/example_page".to_string(),
Group {
description: Some("Example group description.".to_string()),
name: "~example".to_string(),
sub_groups: vec![],
subscribers: 12345,
wiki_links: vec![
tildes_parser::GroupWikiLink {
name: "Example Page".to_string(),
url: "https://example.org/~example/wiki/example_page".to_string(),
tildes_parser::GroupWikiLink {
name: "Example Page".to_string(),
url: "https://example.org/~example/wiki/example_page".to_string(),
Group {
description: None,
name: "~example".to_string(),
sub_groups: vec![],
subscribers: 12345,
wiki_links: vec![],
Group {
description: None,
name: "~example".to_string(),
sub_groups: vec![],
subscribers: 12345,
wiki_links: vec![
tildes_parser::GroupWikiLink {
name: "Example Page".to_string(),
url: "https://example.org/~example/wiki/example_page".to_string(),
tildes_parser::GroupWikiLink {
name: "Example Page".to_string(),
url: "https://example.org/~example/wiki/example_page".to_string(),
std::fs::write("output/sitemap-test.md", crate::render_sitemap(groups)?)?;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Tildes Wiki Sitemap
This page is a temporary placeholder to help wiki contributors navigate. Find this page easily by bookmarking it!
<summary>Generating this page</summary>
The sitemap can be automatically generated by [tildes-wiki-sitemap](https://git.bauke.xyz/Bauke/tildes-wiki-sitemap).
If this page is outdated and you can't update it yourself, feel free to [message @Bauke](https://tildes.net/user/Bauke/new_message?subject=Tildes%20Wiki%20Sitemap&message=Update%20the%20sitemap%20you%20doofus!).
{% for group in groups %}
## {{ group.name }}
{% if let Some(description) = group.description -%}
> **{{ description }}**
{%- endif %}
{% if group.wiki_links.is_empty() -%}
There are no wiki pages for {{ group.name }} yet, [click here](https://tildes.net/{{ group.name }}/wiki/new_page) if you want to create one.
{%- endif %}
{% for link in group.wiki_links -%}
* [{{ link.name }}]({{ link.url }})
{% endfor -%}
{% endfor %}