# Tildes Dracula > A Dracula theme for [Tildes.net](https://tildes.net) --- ## Attention! **This style will no longer be updated, Tildes now has an official Dracula theme. I recommend you use that one instead, if you want to adapt the official Dracula to look like this style, please see [Tildes Baukula](../tildes-baukula/README.md) for that instead.** ## Installing To install this theme, check out [the Wiki](https://gitlab.com/Bauke/styles/wikis/Installing-Styles). ## Screenshots ![Login](img/screenshot-1.png) ![Thread Listings](img/screenshot-2.png) ![Group Subscriptions](img/screenshot-3.png) ![Thread Full](img/screenshot-4.png) ![User Profile](img/screenshot-5.png)