# Build the website. [tasks.build] clear = true command = "pnpm" args = ["astro", "build"] # Remove build directories. [tasks.clean] clear = true command = "pnpm" args = ["trash", "public"] # Deploy the website to Netlify. [tasks.deploy-netlify] clear = true command = "pnpm" dependencies = ["clean", "lint", "build"] args = ["netlify", "deploy", "-p", "-d", "build/", "-s", "holllo.org"] # Run all other linting tasks. [tasks.lint] clear = true dependencies = ["lint-js", "lint-scss"] # Run XO. [tasks.lint-js] clear = true command = "pnpm" args = ["xo"] # Run Stylelint. [tasks.lint-scss] clear = true command = "pnpm" args = ["stylelint", "source/**/*.scss"] # Start a development server and watch for changes. [tasks.watch] clear = true command = "pnpm" args = ["astro", "dev"]