//! The `run` subcommand. use std::{io::Read, process::exit}; use { color_eyre::{eyre::eyre, Result}, hooked_config::{Config, ExitAction}, owo_colors::OwoColorize, subprocess::{Exec, Redirection}, }; use crate::{ cli::RunArgs, printer::{print, PrintType, PRINT_STYLE}, utilities::{globset_from_strings, plural}, }; /// The `run` subcommand. pub fn hooked_run(config: Config, args: RunArgs) -> Result<()> { let cli_noise_level = args.noise_level.as_ref(); let global_noise_level = &config.general.noise_level; if args.hook_type == "pre-commit" { let hook_count = config.pre_commit.len(); print( format!( "Hooked: Running {} pre-commit {}.", hook_count, plural(hook_count, "hook", None) ), cli_noise_level.unwrap_or(global_noise_level), PrintType::Info, ); 'hook_loop: for hook in config.pre_commit { let hook_name = hook.name.unwrap_or_else(|| "Unnamed Hook".to_string()); if !hook.staged.is_empty() { let globs = globset_from_strings(&hook.staged)?; let staged_files = Exec::cmd("git") .args(&["diff", "--name-only", "--cached"]) .capture()? .stdout_str(); if !staged_files.lines().any(|line| globs.is_match(line)) { print( format!( "\t{} {}", "≫".style(PRINT_STYLE.skipped), hook_name.style(PRINT_STYLE.skipped) ), cli_noise_level.unwrap_or(global_noise_level), PrintType::Info, ); continue 'hook_loop; } } let command = match (hook.task.command, hook.task.script) { (Some(command), _) => Ok(Exec::shell(command)), (None, Some(script_file)) => { let script_path = config.general.directory.join(script_file); let script_path_str = script_path .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| eyre!("Failed to convert path to str"))?; Ok(Exec::shell(script_path_str)) } (None, None) => Err(eyre!( "No command or script provided for hook: {}", hook_name )), }?; let mut process = command .stderr(Redirection::Merge) .stdout(Redirection::Pipe) .popen()?; let exit_status = process.wait()?; let output = { let mut output = String::new(); let mut stdout_file = process.stdout.take().unwrap(); stdout_file.read_to_string(&mut output)?; output }; let (stop, print_output, prefix, style, print_type) = match (exit_status.success(), hook.on_failure) { (true, _) => { (false, false, "✓", PRINT_STYLE.success, PrintType::Info) } (false, ExitAction::Continue) => { (false, true, "⚠", PRINT_STYLE.warn, PrintType::Warn) } (false, ExitAction::Stop) => { (true, true, "✗", PRINT_STYLE.error, PrintType::Error) } }; let hook_noise_level = hook.noise_level.as_ref().unwrap_or(global_noise_level); print( format!("\t{} {}", prefix.style(style), hook_name.style(style)), cli_noise_level.unwrap_or(hook_noise_level), print_type, ); if !output.is_empty() && print_output { print( output, cli_noise_level.unwrap_or(hook_noise_level), PrintType::Info, ); } if stop { exit(1); } } } Ok(()) }