import {promises as fsp} from 'fs'; import {join} from 'path'; import nunjucks from 'nunjucks'; import {generateLove, LoveVariant} from './love'; export async function main(): Promise { const themesDirectory: string = join(__dirname, '../vscode/themes/'); // Configure Nunjucks to use the templates for `source/vscode/themes/`. nunjucks.configure(themesDirectory, { lstripBlocks: true, trimBlocks: true, throwOnUndefined: true }); const love: LoveVariant[] = generateLove(); for (const variant of love) { const template: string = await fsp.readFile( join(themesDirectory, 'love-template.color-theme.json'), 'utf8' ); const outputPath: string = join( themesDirectory, `love-${}.color-theme.json` ); const output: string = nunjucks.renderString(template, { love: variant }); let formattedOutput = ''; for (const line of output.split('\n')) { // Don't include the line in the output if it's a comment (starts with '//'). if (/^\s+\/\/.+$/.exec(line)) { continue; } formattedOutput += line; formattedOutput += '\n'; } let outputObject: Record; try { outputObject = JSON.parse(formattedOutput); } catch (error) { console.log('Could not parse formatted output as regular JSON:'); console.log(error.message); return; } await fsp.writeFile(outputPath, JSON.stringify(outputObject)); } } if (require.main === module) { void main(); }