# OPML > An OPML parser for Rust. ## Getting Started ```rust use opml::OPML; let xml = r#""#; let parsed = OPML::new(xml).unwrap(); println!("{:#?}", parsed); ``` Check out [the documentation](https://docs.rs/opml/) for further details. ## CLI Looking for a command-line utility to parse OPML documents? Check out [the `opml-cli`](https://git.holllo.cc/Holllo/opml-cli/), a small wrapper around this crate that will let you do just that. ## License Open-sourced with either the * [Apache License, Version 2.0](https://git.holllo.cc/Holllo/opml/src/branch/main/LICENSE-Apache) (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) * [MIT license](https://git.holllo.cc/Holllo/opml/src/branch/main/LICENSE-MIT) (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) at your option. The samples [located in `tests/spec_samples`](https://git.holllo.cc/Holllo/opml/src/branch/main/tests/spec_samples) were [taken from the OPML 2.0 spec](http://dev.opml.org/spec2.html#examples) and are subject to [their own license](https://git.holllo.cc/Holllo/opml/src/branch/main/tests/spec_samples/LICENSE).