import json from defusedxml import ElementTree from typing import List, Optional from xml.etree import ElementTree as XmlBuilder from .util import _dict_exclude_none class Outline: """The OPML Outline element.""" def __init__( self, text: str, type: Optional[str] = None, is_comment: Optional[bool] = None, is_breakpoint: Optional[bool] = None, created: Optional[str] = None, category: Optional[str] = None, outlines: Optional[List["Outline"]] = None, xml_url: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, html_url: Optional[str] = None, language: Optional[str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Create a new Outline.""" self.text: str = text """Every outline element must have at least a text attribute, which is what is displayed when an outliner opens the OPML document. Version 1.0 OPML documents may omit this attribute, so for compatibility and strictness this attribute is “technically optional” as it will be replaced by an empty string if it is omitted. Text attributes may contain encoded HTML markup.""" self.type: Optional[str] = type """A string that indicates how the other attributes of the Outline should be interpreted.""" self.is_comment: Optional[bool] = is_comment """Indicating whether the outline is commented or not. By convention if an outline is commented, all subordinate outlines are considered to also be commented.""" self.is_breakpoint: Optional[bool] = is_breakpoint """Indicating whether a breakpoint is set on this outline. This attribute is mainly necessary for outlines used to edit scripts.""" self.created: Optional[str] = created """The date-time (RFC822) that this Outline element was created.""" self.category: Optional[str] = category """A string of comma-separated slash-delimited category strings, in the format defined by the [RSS 2.0 category][1] element. To represent a “tag”, the category string should contain no slashes. [1]: """ self.outlines: List["Outline"] = outlines if outlines is not None else [] """Child Outline elements of the current one.""" self.xml_url: Optional[str] = xml_url """The HTTP address of the feed.""" self.description: Optional[str] = description """The top-level description element from the feed.""" self.html_url: Optional[str] = html_url """The top-level link element from the feed.""" self.language: Optional[str] = language """The top-level language element from the feed.""" self.title: Optional[str] = title """The top-level title element from the feed.""" self.version: Optional[str] = version """The version of the feed’s format (such as RSS 0.91, 2.0, …).""" self.url: Optional[str] = url """A link that can point to another OPML document or to something that can be displayed in a web browser.""" @staticmethod def from_element_tree(element: ElementTree) -> "Outline": """Parse an Outline object from an XML ElementTree.""" attr = element.attrib outline = Outline( text=attr.get("text", ""), outlines=Outline.parse_outlines(element), ) if "type" in attr: outline.type = attr.get("type") if "isComment" in attr and attr.get("isComment") in ["true", "false"]: outline.is_comment = bool(attr.get("isComment")) if "isBreakpoint" in attr and attr.get("isBreakpoint") in ["true", "false"]: outline.is_comment = bool(attr.get("isBreakpoint")) if "created" in attr: outline.created = attr.get("created") if "category" in attr: outline.category = attr.get("category") if "xmlUrl" in attr: outline.xml_url = attr.get("xmlUrl") if "description" in attr: outline.description = attr.get("description") if "htmlUrl" in attr: outline.html_url = attr.get("htmlUrl") if "language" in attr: outline.language = attr.get("language") if "title" in attr: outline.title = attr.get("title") if "version" in attr: outline.version = attr.get("version") if "url" in attr: outline.url = attr.get("url") return outline @staticmethod def parse_outlines(element: ElementTree) -> List["Outline"]: """Parse a list of Outline elements from an XML ElementTree.""" return list( map( lambda child: Outline.from_element_tree(child), filter(lambda child: child.tag == "outline", element), ) ) def insert_xml_element(self, parent: XmlBuilder.Element) -> None: """Insert the Outline into an XML Element.""" outline = XmlBuilder.SubElement(parent, "outline") outline.attrib["text"] = self.text if self.text is not None: outline.attrib["text"] = self.text if self.type is not None: outline.attrib["type"] = self.type if self.is_comment is not None: outline.attrib["isComment"] = str(self.is_comment).lower() if self.is_breakpoint is not None: outline.attrib["isBreakpoint"] = str(self.is_breakpoint).lower() if self.created is not None: outline.attrib["created"] = self.created if self.category is not None: outline.attrib["category"] = self.category if self.xml_url is not None: outline.attrib["xmlUrl"] = self.xml_url if self.description is not None: outline.attrib["description"] = self.description if self.html_url is not None: outline.attrib["htmlUrl"] = self.html_url if self.language is not None: outline.attrib["language"] = self.language if self.title is not None: outline.attrib["title"] = self.title if self.version is not None: outline.attrib["version"] = self.version if self.url is not None: outline.attrib["url"] = self.url for child_outline in self.outlines: child_outline.insert_xml_element(outline) def to_json(self) -> str: """Output the Outline as a JSON string.""" return json.dumps( self, default=lambda o: _dict_exclude_none(o.__dict__), indent=2, sort_keys=True, )