import {GlobalRegistrator} from '@happy-dom/global-registrator'; import test from 'ava'; import {html} from 'htm/preact'; import {render} from 'preact'; import {FeedbackButton, FeedbackButtonProps} from '../../source/gram.js'; import {sleep} from '../utilities.js'; test.before(() => { GlobalRegistrator.register(); }); test('FeedbackButton', async (t) => { t.plan(5); const props: FeedbackButtonProps = { click: (event) => t.true(event !== undefined), extraAttributes: { id: 'feedback-button', }, feedbackText: 'Feedback Example', text: 'Example', timeout: 1000, }; render(html`<${FeedbackButton} ...${props} />`, document); const buttonElement = document.querySelector('#feedback-button')!; t.snapshot(buttonElement.outerHTML, 'Default state');; // Wait for Preact to do its stuff. await sleep(); t.snapshot(buttonElement.outerHTML, 'Feedback state');; await sleep(props.timeout); t.snapshot(buttonElement.outerHTML, 'Back to default state'); });