import {browser} from 'webextension-polyfill-ts'; import { error, getManifest, getNextQItem, getSettings, newQItemID, QItem, QMessage, removeQItem, saveSettings } from '.'; let timeoutID: number | null = null; browser.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(async () => { // When the extension icon is initially clicked, create a timeout for 500ms // that will open the next queue item when it expires. // If the icon is clicked again in those 500ms, open the options page instead. if (timeoutID === null) { timeoutID = window.setTimeout(async () => { timeoutID = null; const nextItem = await getNextQItem(); if (nextItem === undefined) { await openOptionsPage(); } else { const tabs = await browser.tabs.query({ currentWindow: true, active: true }); const message: QMessage = { action: 'queue open url', data: nextItem }; await browser.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id!, message); await removeQItem(; } }, 500); } else { window.clearTimeout(timeoutID); timeoutID = null; await openOptionsPage(); } }); browser.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(async () => { const manifest = getManifest(); const settings = await getSettings(); // Open the options page when: // * The extension is first installed or is updated. // * In development, for convenience. if ( manifest.version !== settings.latestVersion || manifest.nodeEnv === 'development' ) { settings.latestVersion = manifest.version; await saveSettings(settings); await openOptionsPage(); } }); async function openOptionsPage() { return browser.runtime.openOptionsPage(); } /** * The callback function for custom context menu entries. */ function contextCreated() { if ( browser.runtime.lastError !== null && browser.runtime.lastError !== undefined ) { error(browser.runtime.lastError); } } browser.contextMenus.create( { id: 'queue-add-new-link', title: 'Add to Queue', contexts: ['link'] }, contextCreated ); browser.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(async (info, _tab) => { if (info.menuItemId === 'queue-add-new-link') { const settings = await getSettings(); settings.queue.push({ added: new Date(), id: newQItemID(settings.queue), text: info.linkText!, url: info.linkUrl! }); await saveSettings(settings); } });