import {browser} from 'webextension-polyfill-ts'; import {log} from '.'; export type QItem = { added: Date; id: number; text?: string; url: string; }; export type Settings = { latestVersion: string; queue: QItem[]; }; const defaultSettings: Settings = { latestVersion: '0.0.0', queue: [] }; /** * Returns the user's settings. */ export async function getSettings(): Promise { // TODO: Replace local storage with sync storage. const syncSettings: any = await; const settings: Settings = { latestVersion: syncSettings.latestVersion, queue: syncSettings.queue }; return settings; } /** * Saves the user's settings to local storage. * @param settings The settings to save. */ export async function saveSettings(settings: Settings): Promise { // TODO: Replace local storage with sync storage. await; return settings; } /** * Returns a new ID to use for a new QItem. * @param items All the queue items. */ export function newQItemID(items: QItem[]): number { const highestItem = items.sort((a, b) => -[0]; if (highestItem === undefined) { return 1; } return + 1; } /** * Removes a QItem from the Settings with the specified ID. * @param id The ID of the QItem to be removed. * @param settings Optional user settings to use. */ export async function removeQItem( id: number, settings?: Settings ): Promise { if (settings === undefined) { settings = await getSettings(); } const index = settings.queue.findIndex((item) => === id); if (index === -1) { log(`No QItem with ID ${id} found.`); return settings; } settings.queue.splice(index, 1); return saveSettings(settings); } /** * Returns the next QItem. * @param settings Optional user settings to use. */ export async function getNextQItem( settings?: Settings ): Promise { if (settings === undefined) { settings = await getSettings(); } settings.queue.sort((a, b) => a.added.getTime() - b.added.getTime()); return settings.queue[0]; }