/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ export default function createManifest( target: string, ): Record { const manifest: Record = { name: 'Re-Nav', description: 'Navigation redirects for the masses.', version: '0.2.0', permissions: ['contextMenus', 'storage', 'tabs', 'webNavigation'], options_ui: { page: 'options/index.html', open_in_tab: true, }, commands: { toggleAllRedirects: { description: "Toggle all redirects, this does the same as the extension icon's right-click option.", suggested_key: { default: 'Alt+Shift+R', }, }, }, content_scripts: [ { css: ['generated:content-scripts/share/style.css'], js: ['content-scripts/share/share.ts'], matches: ['https://holllo.org/re-nav/share/'], run_at: 'document_end', }, ], }; const icons = { 128: 'assets/re-nav.png', }; manifest.icons = icons; const browserAction = { default_icon: icons, }; const backgroundScript = 'background-scripts/initialize.ts'; if (target === 'chromium') { manifest.manifest_version = 3; manifest.action = browserAction; manifest.background = { service_worker: backgroundScript, type: 'module', }; } else { manifest.manifest_version = 2; manifest.browser_action = browserAction; manifest.background = { scripts: [backgroundScript], }; manifest.applications = { gecko: { id: '{2dd6149a-403e-4e67-9cf8-5fe64e16c909}', }, }; } return manifest; }