/// import test from 'ava'; import { matcherTypes, narrowMatcherType, narrowRedirectType, parseRedirect, redirectTypes, HostnameRedirect, Redirect, Redirects, RedirectParameters, SimpleRedirect, } from '../source/redirect/exports.js'; const hostnameParameters: RedirectParameters = { matcherType: 'hostname', matcherValue: 'example.com', redirectType: 'hostname', redirectValue: 'example.org', }; const simpleParameters: RedirectParameters = { matcherType: 'hostname', matcherValue: 'example.com', redirectType: 'simple', redirectValue: 'https://example.org/simple', }; test('parseRedirect', (t) => { const samples: RedirectParameters[] = [ { test: 'Invalid parameters', } as unknown as RedirectParameters, undefined as unknown as RedirectParameters, hostnameParameters, simpleParameters, ]; for (const sample of samples) { const redirect = parseRedirect(sample, Redirect.generateId()); if (redirect === undefined) { t.pass('parseRedirect returned undefined'); } else { t.regex(redirect.id, /^[a-z]{20}$/i); redirect.id = 'id'; t.snapshot(redirect, `Class ${redirect.constructor.name}`); } } }); test('Redirect.redirect', (t) => { const hostnameRedirect = new HostnameRedirect(hostnameParameters); const simpleRedirect = new SimpleRedirect(simpleParameters); const samples: Array<[string, Redirect]> = [ ['https://example.com', hostnameRedirect], ['https://example.com/path#hash?query=test', hostnameRedirect], ['https://example.com', simpleRedirect], ['https://example.com/path', simpleRedirect], ]; for (const [index, [url, redirect]] of samples.entries()) { t.snapshot( { original: url, redirected: redirect.redirect(url).href, }, `${index} ${redirect.constructor.name}`, ); } }); test('Redirect.isMatch', (t) => { type UrlSamples = Array<[string, boolean]>; const hostnameRedirect = new HostnameRedirect(hostnameParameters); const hostnameSamples: UrlSamples = [ ['https://example.com', true], ['https://www.example.com', true], ['https://example.org', false], ]; const invalidRedirect = new HostnameRedirect({ test: 'invalid', } as unknown as HostnameRedirect['parameters']); const samples: Array<[Redirects, UrlSamples]> = [ [invalidRedirect, [['https://example.org', false]]], [hostnameRedirect, hostnameSamples], ]; for (const [redirect, urlSamples] of samples) { for (const [sample, expected] of urlSamples) { t.is(redirect.isMatch(new URL(sample)), expected); } } }); test('Narrow match & redirect types', (t) => { t.false(narrowMatcherType('invalid')); t.false(narrowRedirectType('invalid')); t.true(matcherTypes.every((value) => narrowMatcherType(value))); t.true(redirectTypes.every((value) => narrowRedirectType(value))); });