export class AssertionError extends Error { public readonly actual: string; public readonly expected: string; public readonly title: string | undefined; constructor(message: string, actual: any, expected: any, title?: string) { super(message); this.actual = JSON.stringify(actual); this.expected = JSON.stringify(expected); this.title = title; } } /** Test execution context with assertions. */ export class TestContext { /** Assert strict equality with `===`. */ equals(actual: T, expected: T, title?: string): void { if (actual === expected) { return; } throw new AssertionError( "Failed equals assertion", actual, expected, title, ); } } /** Special options for test cases. */ export type TestOptions = { skip?: boolean; }; /** A test case. */ export class Test { constructor( public name: string, public fn: (test: TestContext) => Promise, public options?: TestOptions, ) {} /** Run the test and return its result. */ async run(test: TestContext): Promise { const data: ResultData = { duration: undefined, error: undefined, name: this.name, status: "unknown", }; const start = performance.now(); try { if (this.options?.skip) { data.status = "skipped"; } else { await this.fn(test); data.duration = performance.now() - start; data.status = "passed"; } } catch (_error: unknown) { data.duration = performance.now() - start; if (_error instanceof AssertionError) { data.error = _error; } else { throw _error; } data.status = "failed"; } return new Result(data); } } /** Data created by a test case. */ type ResultData = { duration: number | undefined; error: AssertionError | undefined; name: string; status: "failed" | "passed" | "skipped" | "unknown"; }; /** The result of a test case. */ export class Result implements ResultData { public duration: ResultData["duration"]; public error: ResultData["error"]; public name: ResultData["name"]; public status: ResultData["status"]; constructor(data: ResultData) { this.duration = data.duration; this.error = data.error; this.name = data.name; this.status = data.status; } /** Get the color associated with a result status. */ statusColor(): string { if (this.status === "failed") { return "red"; } if (this.status === "passed") { return "green"; } if (this.status === "skipped") { return "yellow"; } return "white"; } /** Print the result to the console. */ display(): void { const bold = "font-weight: bold;"; const styles = [bold, `color: ${this.statusColor()}; ${bold}`]; let message = `- %c${this.name} %c${this.status}`; if (this.duration !== undefined && this.duration > 1) { message += ` %c${this.duration}ms`; styles.push("color: white;"); } if (this.error !== undefined) { message += `\n %c${this.error.message}`; message += this.error.title === undefined ? "" : `: ${this.error.title}`; message += `\n | Actual: ${this.error.actual}`; message += `\n | Expected: ${this.error.expected}`; styles.push("color: pink;"); } console.log(message, ...styles); } }