
46 lines
837 B

# Build the package.
clear = true
dependencies = ["clean", "lint", "test", "build-types", "build-js"]
# Build the JavaScript.
clear = true
command = "pnpm"
args = ["tsx", "esbuild.ts"]
# Build the TypeScript type declarations.
clear = true
command = "pnpm"
args = ["tsc"]
# Clean the build directory.
clear = true
command = "pnpm"
args = ["trash", "build/"]
# Run the full set of linting and testing.
clear = true
dependencies = ["lint-js", "test"]
# Lint the TypeScript using XO.
clear = true
command = "pnpm"
args = ["xo"]
# Run the tests.
clear = true
command = "pnpm"
args = ["tsx", "tests/index.ts"]
# Start a live-reloading server that watches for changes.
clear = true
command = "pnpm"
args = ["vite"]