Fork 0

79 lines
2.2 KiB

import {setup, type TestContext} from "@holllo/test";
import browser from "webextension-polyfill";
import {createValue, type Value} from "../source/index.js";
const create = async <T>(
key: string,
expected: T,
): Promise<[string, T, Value<T>]> => {
return [
await createValue<T>({
deserialize: JSON.parse,
serialize: JSON.stringify,
value: expected,
const isStored = async (test: TestContext, key: string, exist: boolean) => {
const stored = await browser.storage.local.get(key);
test.equals(typeof stored[key], exist ? "string" : "undefined");
type SampleObject = {
name: string;
status: "failed" | "passed";
const sampleObject: SampleObject = {
name: "Sample Object",
status: "passed",
const group = await setup("Value<T>", async (group) => {
const samples = [
["number", "testNumber", Math.PI],
["string", "testString", "A string to test with!" as string],
["SampleObject", "testSampleObject", sampleObject],
] as const;
for (const sample of samples) {
group.test(`T = ${sample[0]}`, async (test) => {
const [key, expected, value] = await create(sample[1], sample[2]);
if (sample[0] === "SampleObject") {
const _expected = expected as SampleObject;
const _value = value.value as SampleObject;
test.equals(_value.name, _expected.name);
test.equals(_value.status, _expected.status);
} else {
test.equals(value.value, expected);
await isStored(test, key, false);
await value.save();
await isStored(test, key, true);
await value.remove();
await isStored(test, key, false);
group.test(`T = Date`, async (test) => {
const expectedString = "2022-12-31T12:34:56.789Z";
const expected = new Date(expectedString);
const value = await createValue<Date>({
deserialize: (input) => new Date(input),
key: "testDate",
serialize: (input) => input.toISOString(),
value: expected,
test.equals(value.value instanceof Date, true);
await value.save();
const stored = await browser.storage.local.get(value.key);
test.equals(stored[value.key], expectedString);