Rework the gegl_operation macro to get doc comments directly.

This commit is contained in:
Bauke 2024-01-27 18:04:01 +01:00
parent 849588a96b
commit 95d611afdb
Signed by: Bauke
GPG Key ID: C1C0F29952BCF558
2 changed files with 306 additions and 147 deletions

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@ -7,13 +7,18 @@ macro_rules! gegl_operation {
struct_name: $struct_name:ident,
gegl_name: $gegl_name:expr,
append_crop: $append_crop:expr,
values: ($($key:ident: $key_type:ty, $key_default:expr, $key_doc:expr),*,),
values: (
$key:ident: $key_type:ty, $key_default:expr
) => {
#[doc = concat!(" The `gegl:", $gegl_name, "` operation.")]
pub struct $struct_name {
#[doc = concat!(" ", $key_doc)]
pub $key: $key_type,

View File

@ -12,11 +12,16 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "bloom",
append_crop: false,
values: (
limit_exposure: bool, false, "Don't over-expose highlights.",
radius: f64, 10.0, "Glow radius.",
softness: f64, 25.0, "Glow-area edge softness.",
strength: f64, 50.0, "Glow strength.",
threshold: f64, 50.0, "Glow-area brightness threshold.",
/// Don't over-expose highlights.
limit_exposure: bool, false,
/// Glow radius.
radius: f64, 10.0,
/// Glow-area edge softness.
softness: f64, 25.0,
/// Glow strength.
strength: f64, 50.0,
/// Glow-area brightness threshold.
threshold: f64, 50.0,
@ -25,8 +30,10 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "cartoon",
append_crop: true,
values: (
mask_radius: f64, 7.0, "The mask radius.",
pct_black: f64, 0.2, "The percentage of black.",
/// The mask radius.
mask_radius: f64, 7.0,
/// The percentage of black.
pct_black: f64, 0.2,
@ -35,12 +42,18 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "cell-noise",
append_crop: true,
values: (
iterations: i64, 1, "The number of noise octaves.",
palettize: bool, false, "Fill each cell with a random color.",
rank: i64, 1, "Select the n-th closest point",
scale: f64, 1.0, "The scale of the noise function.",
seed: f64, 0.0, "The random seed for the noise function.",
shape: f64, 2.0, "Interpolate between Manhattan and Euclidean distance.",
/// The number of noise octaves.
iterations: i64, 1,
/// Fill each cell with a random color.
palettize: bool, false,
/// Select the n-th closest point
rank: i64, 1,
/// The scale of the noise function.
scale: f64, 1.0,
/// The random seed for the noise function.
seed: f64, 0.0,
/// Interpolate between Manhattan and Euclidean distance.
shape: f64, 2.0,
@ -49,11 +62,16 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "crop",
append_crop: false,
values: (
height: f64, 0.0, "The wanted height of the buffer.",
reset_origin: bool, false, "Reset the origin for the coordinates.",
width: f64, 0.0, "The wanted width of the buffer.",
x: f64, 0.0, "The X coordinate to start from.",
y: f64, 0.0, "The Y coordinate to start from.",
/// The wanted height of the buffer.
height: f64, 0.0,
/// Reset the origin for the coordinates.
reset_origin: bool, false,
/// The wanted width of the buffer.
width: f64, 0.0,
/// The X coordinate to start from.
x: f64, 0.0,
/// The Y coordinate to start from.
y: f64, 0.0,
@ -62,20 +80,34 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "diffraction-patterns",
append_crop: true,
values: (
blue_contours: f64, 0.97, "Number of contours (blue);",
blue_frequency: f64, 1.12, "Light frequency (blue).",
blue_sedges: f64, 0.64, "Number of sharp edges (blue).",
brightness: f64, 0.07, "Brightness and shifting/fattening of contours.",
green_contours: f64, 0.82, "Number of contours (green);",
green_frequency: f64, 1.22, "Light frequency (green).",
green_sedges: f64, 0.68, "Number of sharp edges (green).",
height: i64, 200, "Height of the generated buffer.",
polarization: f64, -0.47, "Polarization.",
red_contours: f64, 0.82, "Number of contours (red);",
red_frequency: f64, 0.81, "Light frequency (red).",
red_sedges: f64, 0.61, "Number of sharp edges (red).",
scattering: f64, 37.13, "Scattering (speed vs. quality).",
width: i64, 200, "Width of the generated buffer.",
/// Number of contours (blue);
blue_contours: f64, 0.97,
/// Light frequency (blue).
blue_frequency: f64, 1.12,
/// Number of sharp edges (blue).
blue_sedges: f64, 0.64,
/// Brightness and shifting/fattening of contours.
brightness: f64, 0.07,
/// Number of contours (green);
green_contours: f64, 0.82,
/// Light frequency (green).
green_frequency: f64, 1.22,
/// Number of sharp edges (green).
green_sedges: f64, 0.68,
/// Height of the generated buffer.
height: i64, 200,
/// Polarization.
polarization: f64, -0.47,
/// Number of contours (red);
red_contours: f64, 0.82,
/// Light frequency (red).
red_frequency: f64, 0.81,
/// Number of sharp edges (red).
red_sedges: f64, 0.61,
/// Scattering (speed vs. quality).
scattering: f64, 37.13,
/// Width of the generated buffer.
width: i64, 200,
@ -84,20 +116,34 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "focus-blur",
append_crop: false,
values: (
aspect_ratio: f64, 0.0, "The aspect ratio of the focus region.",
blur_radius: f64, 25.0, "Out-of-focus blur radius.",
blur_type: FocusBlurType, FocusBlurType::Gaussian, "The blur type.",
focus: f64, 0.25, "The focus region's inner limit.",
highlight_factor: f64, 0.0, "Relative highlight strength.",
highlight_threshold_high: f64, 1.0, "Highlight threshold (high).",
highlight_threshold_low: f64, 0.0, "Highlight threshold (low).",
high_quality: bool, false, "Generate more accurate and consistent output.",
midpoint: f64, 0.5, "The focus region's transition midpoint.",
radius: f64, 0.75, "The focus region's outer radius.",
rotation: f64, 0.0, "The rotation of the focus region.",
shape: FocusBlurShape, FocusBlurShape::Circle, "The blur shape.",
x: f64, 0.5, "The X coordinate for the center of the blur.",
y: f64, 0.5, "The Y coordinate for the center of the blur.",
/// The aspect ratio of the focus region.
aspect_ratio: f64, 0.0,
/// Out-of-focus blur radius.
blur_radius: f64, 25.0,
/// The blur type.
blur_type: FocusBlurType, FocusBlurType::Gaussian,
/// The focus region's inner limit.
focus: f64, 0.25,
/// Relative highlight strength.
highlight_factor: f64, 0.0,
/// Highlight threshold (high).
highlight_threshold_high: f64, 1.0,
/// Highlight threshold (low).
highlight_threshold_low: f64, 0.0,
/// Generate more accurate and consistent output.
high_quality: bool, false,
/// The focus region's transition midpoint.
midpoint: f64, 0.5,
/// The focus region's outer radius.
radius: f64, 0.75,
/// The rotation of the focus region.
rotation: f64, 0.0,
/// The blur shape.
shape: FocusBlurShape, FocusBlurShape::Circle,
/// The X coordinate for the center of the blur.
x: f64, 0.5,
/// The Y coordinate for the center of the blur.
y: f64, 0.5,
@ -106,13 +152,20 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "maze",
append_crop: false,
values: (
algorithm_type: MazeAlgorithmType, MazeAlgorithmType::DepthFirst, "Maze algorithm type",
bg_color: String, "#fff".to_string(), "The background color.",
fg_color: String, "#000".to_string(), "The foreground color.",
seed: f64, 0.0, "The random seed.",
tileable: bool, false, "Whether the maze should be tileable.",
x: i64, 16, "Horizontal width of cells pixels.",
y: i64, 16, "Vertical width of cells pixels.",
/// Maze algorithm type
algorithm_type: MazeAlgorithmType, MazeAlgorithmType::DepthFirst,
/// The background color.
bg_color: String, "#fff".to_string(),
/// The foreground color.
fg_color: String, "#000".to_string(),
/// The random seed.
seed: f64, 0.0,
/// Whether the maze should be tileable.
tileable: bool, false,
/// Horizontal width of cells pixels.
x: i64, 16,
/// Vertical width of cells pixels.
y: i64, 16,
@ -121,12 +174,19 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "median-blur",
append_crop: false,
values: (
abyss_policy: MedianBlurAbyssPolicy, MedianBlurAbyssPolicy::Clamp, "How image edges are handled.",
alpha_percentile: f64, 50.0, "Neighborhood alpha percentile.",
high_precision: bool, false, "Avoid clipping and quantization",
neighborhood: MedianBlurNeighborhood, MedianBlurNeighborhood::Circle, "Neighborhood type.",
percentile: f64, 50.0, "Neighborhood color percentile.",
radius: f64, 3.0, "Neighborhood radius, a negative value will calculate with inverted percentiles.",
/// How image edges are handled.
abyss_policy: MedianBlurAbyssPolicy, MedianBlurAbyssPolicy::Clamp,
/// Neighborhood alpha percentile.
alpha_percentile: f64, 50.0,
/// Avoid clipping and quantization
high_precision: bool, false,
/// Neighborhood type.
neighborhood: MedianBlurNeighborhood, MedianBlurNeighborhood::Circle,
/// Neighborhood color percentile.
percentile: f64, 50.0,
/// Neighborhood radius, a negative value will calculate with inverted
/// percentiles.
radius: f64, 3.0,
@ -135,19 +195,32 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "mirrors",
append_crop: false,
values: (
clip: bool, true, "Clip result to input size.",
c_x: f64, 0.5, "X coordinate of symmetry center in output.",
c_y: f64, 0.5, "Y coordinate of symmetry center in output.",
input_scale: f64, 100.0, "Scale factor to make rendering size bigger.",
m_angle: f64, 0.0, "Rotation applied to the mirrors.",
n_segs: i64, 6, "Number of mirrors to use.",
output_scale: f64, 1.0, "Scale factor to make rendering size bigger.",
o_x: f64, 0.0, "X axis ratio for the center of mirroring",
o_y: f64, 0.0, "Y axis ratio for the center of mirroring",
r_angle: f64, 0.0, "Rotation applied to the result.",
trim_x: f64, 0.0, "X axis ratio for trimming mirror expanse",
trim_y: f64, 0.0, "Y axis ratio for trimming mirror expanse",
warp: bool, true, "Fill full output area.",
/// Clip result to input size.
clip: bool, true,
/// X coordinate of symmetry center in output.
c_x: f64, 0.5,
/// Y coordinate of symmetry center in output.
c_y: f64, 0.5,
/// Scale factor to make rendering size bigger.
input_scale: f64, 100.0,
/// Rotation applied to the mirrors.
m_angle: f64, 0.0,
/// Number of mirrors to use.
n_segs: i64, 6,
/// Scale factor to make rendering size bigger.
output_scale: f64, 1.0,
/// X axis ratio for the center of mirroring
o_x: f64, 0.0,
/// Y axis ratio for the center of mirroring
o_y: f64, 0.0,
/// Rotation applied to the result.
r_angle: f64, 0.0,
/// X axis ratio for trimming mirror expanse
trim_x: f64, 0.0,
/// Y axis ratio for trimming mirror expanse
trim_y: f64, 0.0,
/// Fill full output area.
warp: bool, true,
@ -156,20 +229,34 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "mosaic",
append_crop: false,
values: (
antialiasing: bool, true, "Enables smoother tile output.",
color_averaging: bool, true, "Tile color based on average of subsumed pixels.",
color_variation: f64, 0.2, "Magnitude of random color variations.",
joints_color: String, "#000".to_string(), "Joints color.",
light_color: String, "#fff".to_string(), "Light color.",
light_dir: f64, 135.0, "Direction of light-source (in degrees).",
seed: f64, 0.0, "Random seed.",
tile_allow_split: bool, true, "Allows splitting tiles at hard edges.",
tile_height: f64, 4.0, "Apparent height of each tile (in pixels).",
tile_neatness: f64, 0.65, "Deviation from perfectly formed tiles.",
tile_size: f64, 15.0, "Average diameter of each tile (in pixels).",
tile_spacing: f64, 1.0, "Inter-tile spacing (in pixels).",
tile_surface: bool, false, "Surface characteristics.",
tile_type: MosaicTileType, MosaicTileType::Hexagons, "What shape to use for tiles.",
/// Enables smoother tile output.
antialiasing: bool, true,
/// Tile color based on average of subsumed pixels.
color_averaging: bool, true,
/// Magnitude of random color variations.
color_variation: f64, 0.2,
/// Joints color.
joints_color: String, "#000".to_string(),
/// Light color.
light_color: String, "#fff".to_string(),
/// Direction of light-source (in degrees).
light_dir: f64, 135.0,
/// Random seed.
seed: f64, 0.0,
/// Allows splitting tiles at hard edges.
tile_allow_split: bool, true,
/// Apparent height of each tile (in pixels).
tile_height: f64, 4.0,
/// Deviation from perfectly formed tiles.
tile_neatness: f64, 0.65,
/// Average diameter of each tile (in pixels).
tile_size: f64, 15.0,
/// Inter-tile spacing (in pixels).
tile_spacing: f64, 1.0,
/// Surface characteristics.
tile_surface: bool, false,
/// What shape to use for tiles.
tile_type: MosaicTileType, MosaicTileType::Hexagons,
@ -178,24 +265,49 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "newsprint",
append_crop: false,
values: (
aa_samples: i64, 16, "Number of samples that are averaged for antialiasing the result.",
angle: f64, 75.0, "Black angle.",
angle2: f64, 15.0, "Red and cyan angle.",
angle3: f64, 45.0, "Green and magenta angle.",
angle4: f64, 0.0, "Blue and yellow angle.",
angleboost: f64, 0.0, "Multiplication factor for desired rotation of the local space for texture, the way this is computed makes it weak for desaturated colors and possibly stronger where there is color.",
black_pullout: f64, 1.0, "How much of common gray to pull out of CMY.",
blocksize: f64, -1.0, "Number of periods per tile, this tiling avoids high frequency anomaly that angle boost causes.",
color_model: NewsprintColorModel, NewsprintColorModel::BlackOnWhite, "How many inks to use.",
pattern: NewsprintPattern, NewsprintPattern::Line, "Black halftoning/dot pattern to use.",
pattern2: NewsprintPattern, NewsprintPattern::Line, "Red and cyan halftoning/dot pattern to use.",
pattern3: NewsprintPattern, NewsprintPattern::Line, "Green and magenta halftoning/dot pattern to use.",
pattern4: NewsprintPattern, NewsprintPattern::Line, "Blue and yellow halftoning/dot pattern to use.",
period: f64, 12.0, "Black number of pixels across one repetition of a base pattern at base resolution.",
period2: f64, 12.0, "Red and cyan number of pixels across one repetition of a base pattern at base resolution.",
period3: f64, 12.0, "Green and magenta number of pixels across one repetition of a base pattern at base resolution.",
period4: f64, 12.0, "Blue and yellow number of pixels across one repetition of a base pattern at base resolution.",
turbulence: f64, 0.0, "Color saturation dependent compression of period.",
/// Number of samples that are averaged for antialiasing the result.
aa_samples: i64, 16,
/// Black angle.
angle: f64, 75.0,
/// Red and cyan angle.
angle2: f64, 15.0,
/// Green and magenta angle.
angle3: f64, 45.0,
/// Blue and yellow angle.
angle4: f64, 0.0,
/// Multiplication factor for desired rotation of the local space for
/// texture, the way this is computed makes it weak for desaturated colors
/// and possibly stronger where there is color.
angleboost: f64, 0.0,
/// How much of common gray to pull out of CMY.
black_pullout: f64, 1.0,
/// Number of periods per tile, this tiling avoids high frequency anomaly
/// that angle boost causes.
blocksize: f64, -1.0,
/// How many inks to use.
color_model: NewsprintColorModel, NewsprintColorModel::BlackOnWhite,
/// Black halftoning/dot pattern to use.
pattern: NewsprintPattern, NewsprintPattern::Line,
/// Red and cyan halftoning/dot pattern to use.
pattern2: NewsprintPattern, NewsprintPattern::Line,
/// Green and magenta halftoning/dot pattern to use.
pattern3: NewsprintPattern, NewsprintPattern::Line,
/// Blue and yellow halftoning/dot pattern to use.
pattern4: NewsprintPattern, NewsprintPattern::Line,
/// Black number of pixels across one repetition of a base pattern at base
/// resolution.
period: f64, 12.0,
/// Red and cyan number of pixels across one repetition of a base pattern at
/// base resolution.
period2: f64, 12.0,
/// Green and magenta number of pixels across one repetition of a base pattern
/// at base resolution.
period3: f64, 12.0,
/// Blue and yellow number of pixels across one repetition of a base pattern
/// at base resolution.
period4: f64, 12.0,
/// Color saturation dependent compression of period.
turbulence: f64, 0.0,
@ -204,9 +316,12 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "noise-pick",
append_crop: true,
values: (
pct_random: f64, 50.0, "Randomization percentage.",
repeat: i64, 1, "Amount of repetitions to make.",
seed: f64, 0.0, "Random seed.",
/// Randomization percentage.
pct_random: f64, 50.0,
/// Amount of repetitions to make.
repeat: i64, 1,
/// Random seed.
seed: f64, 0.0,
@ -215,10 +330,14 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "oilify",
append_crop: false,
values: (
exponent: i64, 8, "Exponent for processing, controls smoothness.",
intensities: i64, 128, "Histogram size.",
mask_radius: i64, 4, "Radius of circle around pixel.",
use_inten: bool, true, "Use pixel luminance values.",
/// Exponent for processing, controls smoothness.
exponent: i64, 8,
/// Histogram size.
intensities: i64, 128,
/// Radius of circle around pixel.
mask_radius: i64, 4,
/// Use pixel luminance values.
use_inten: bool, true,
@ -227,12 +346,18 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "plasma",
append_crop: false,
values: (
height: i64, 768, "Height of the generated buffer",
seed: f64, 0.0, "Random seed.",
turbulence: f64, 1.0, "High values give more variation in details.",
width: i64, 1024, "Width of the generated buffer.",
x: i64, 0, "X coordinate start of the generated buffer.",
y: i64, 0, "Y coordinate start of the generated buffer.",
/// Height of the generated buffer.
height: i64, 768,
/// Random seed.
seed: f64, 0.0,
/// High values give more variation in details.
turbulence: f64, 1.0,
/// Width of the generated buffer.
width: i64, 1024,
/// X coordinate start of the generated buffer.
x: i64, 0,
/// Y coordinate start of the generated buffer.
y: i64, 0,
@ -241,9 +366,12 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "simplex-noise",
append_crop: true,
values: (
iterations: i64, 1, "The number of noise octaves.",
scale: f64, 1.0, "The scale of the noise function.",
seed: f64, 1.0, "The random seed for the noise function.",
/// The number of noise octaves.
iterations: i64, 1,
/// The scale of the noise function.
scale: f64, 1.0,
/// The random seed for the noise function.
seed: f64, 1.0,
@ -252,9 +380,12 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "softglow",
append_crop: false,
values: (
brightness: f64, 0.3, "Brightness intensity.",
glow_radius: f64, 10.0, "Glow radius.",
sharpness: f64, 0.85, "Sharpness of the highlights.",
/// Brightness intensity.
brightness: f64, 0.3,
/// Glow radius.
glow_radius: f64, 10.0,
/// Sharpness of the highlights.
sharpness: f64, 0.85,
@ -263,14 +394,22 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "stereographic-projection",
append_crop: false,
values: (
height: i64, -1, "Output/rendering height in pixels, -1 for input height.",
inverse: bool, false, "Do the inverse mapping.",
pan: f64, 0.0, "Horizontal camera panning.",
sampler_type: StereographicProjectionSamplerType, StereographicProjectionSamplerType::Nearest, "Image resampling method to use.",
spin: f64, 0., "Spin angle around camera axis.",
tilt: f64, 90., "Vertical camera panning.",
width: i64, -1, "Output/rendering width in pixels, -1 for input width.",
zoom: f64, 100.0, "Zoom level.",
/// Output/rendering height in pixels, -1 for input height.
height: i64, -1,
/// Do the inverse mapping.
inverse: bool, false,
/// Horizontal camera panning.
pan: f64, 0.0,
/// Image resampling method to use.
sampler_type: StereographicProjectionSamplerType, StereographicProjectionSamplerType::Nearest,
/// Spin angle around camera axis.
spin: f64, 0.,
/// Vertical camera panning.
tilt: f64, 90.,
/// Output/rendering width in pixels, -1 for input width.
width: i64, -1,
/// Zoom level.
zoom: f64, 100.0,
@ -279,8 +418,10 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "tile-glass",
append_crop: false,
values: (
tile_height: i64, 25, "Tile height.",
tile_width: i64, 25, "Tile width.",
/// Tile height.
tile_height: i64, 25,
/// Tile width.
tile_width: i64, 25,
@ -296,10 +437,15 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "waterpixels",
append_crop: false,
values: (
fill: WaterpixelsFill, WaterpixelsFill::Average, "How to fill superpixels.",
regularization: i64, 0, "Spatial regularization, trade-off between superpixel regularity and adherence to object boundaries.",
size: i64, 32, "Superpixels size.",
smoothness: f64, 1.0, "Gradient smoothness.",
/// How to fill superpixels.
fill: WaterpixelsFill, WaterpixelsFill::Average,
/// Spatial regularization, trade-off between superpixel regularity and
/// adherence to object boundaries.
regularization: i64, 0,
/// Superpixels size.
size: i64, 32,
/// Gradient smoothness.
smoothness: f64, 1.0,
@ -308,13 +454,21 @@ gegl_operation!(
gegl_name: "waves",
append_crop: true,
values: (
amplitude: f64, 25.0, "Amplitude of the wave ripples.",
aspect: f64, 1.0, "Aspect ratio.",
clamp: bool, false, "Limit deformation in the image area.",
period: f64, 100.0, "Period/wavelength of the ripples.",
phi: f64, 0.0, "Phase shift of the waves.",
sampler_type: WavesSamplerType, WavesSamplerType::Cubic, "Mathematical method for reconstructing pixel values.",
x: f64, 0.5, "Center X coordinate to start the waves from.",
y: f64, 0.5, "Center Y coordinate to start the waves from.",
/// Amplitude of the wave ripples.
amplitude: f64, 25.0,
/// Aspect ratio.
aspect: f64, 1.0,
/// Limit deformation in the image area.
clamp: bool, false,
/// Period/wavelength of the ripples.
period: f64, 100.0,
/// Phase shift of the waves.
phi: f64, 0.0,
/// Mathematical method for reconstructing pixel values.
sampler_type: WavesSamplerType, WavesSamplerType::Cubic,
/// Center X coordinate to start the waves from.
x: f64, 0.5,
/// Center Y coordinate to start the waves from.
y: f64, 0.5,