import fsp from 'node:fs/promises'; import path from 'node:path'; import {performance} from 'node:perf_hooks'; import {execa} from 'execa'; import meow from 'meow'; import {Crop} from './gegl/exports.js'; import Project from './project.js'; import p2022 from './2022/projects.js'; async function main(): Promise { const cli = meow( ` Options --filter Only render projects starting with . --include-defaults Include default GEGL operation parameters. --no-render Don't render any images. `, { flags: { filter: { default: '', type: 'string', }, includeDefaults: { default: false, type: 'boolean', }, render: { default: true, type: 'boolean', }, }, importMeta: import.meta, }, ); const includeDefaults = cli.flags.includeDefaults; const noRender = !cli.flags.render; const projects: Project[] = [...p2022].filter((project) =>, ); for (const { createInputImage, name, operations, resolution, resetAlpha, } of projects) { const dataStart =; const {width, height} = resolution; const baseDir = path.resolve(`./output/${name}`); await fsp.mkdir(baseDir, {recursive: true}); console.log(`# ${name}`); console.log(`* ${width}x${height}`); console.log(`* ${operations.length} operations`); const graph = operations.flatMap((operation) => { const graph = operation.graph(includeDefaults); if (operation.appendCrop) { graph.push( Crop({height, width}).graph(includeDefaults)); } return graph; }); const prettyGraph = => operation.startsWith('gegl:') ? `\n${operation}\n` : ` ${operation}\n`, ); const graphFile = `${name}.txt`; const outputFile = `${name}.png`; const compressedFile = `${outputFile.slice(0, -4)}.jpeg`; console.log(`* Writing ${graphFile}`); await fsp.writeFile( path.join(baseDir, graphFile), prettyGraph.join('').trimStart(), ); if (noRender) { console.log(`* Skipped ${outputFile}`); } else { const fullOutputFile = path.join(baseDir, outputFile); if (createInputImage) { await execa('convert', [ '-size', `${width}x${height}`, 'xc:white', fullOutputFile, ]); } console.log(`* Writing ${outputFile}`); await execa('gegl', [ ...(createInputImage ? ['-i', fullOutputFile] : []), '-o', fullOutputFile, '--', ...graph, ]); if (resetAlpha) { await execa('convert', [ fullOutputFile, '-alpha', 'Off', fullOutputFile, ]); } console.log(`* Writing ${compressedFile}`); await execa('convert', [ fullOutputFile, '-quality', '92', path.join(baseDir, compressedFile), ]); } const time = ( - dataStart).toFixed(2); console.log(`* Generated in ${time}ms`); } } void main();