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//! All supported GEGL operations.
mod enums;
mod generator;
pub use enums::*;
pub use crate::gegl_operation;
struct_name: Bloom,
gegl_name: "bloom",
append_crop: false,
values: (
limit_exposure: bool, false, "Don't over-expose highlights.",
radius: f64, 10.0, "Glow radius.",
softness: f64, 25.0, "Glow-area edge softness.",
strength: f64, 50.0, "Glow strength.",
threshold: f64, 50.0, "Glow-area brightness threshold.",
struct_name: Cartoon,
gegl_name: "cartoon",
append_crop: true,
values: (
mask_radius: f64, 7.0, "The mask radius.",
pct_black: f64, 0.2, "The percentage of black.",
struct_name: CellNoise,
gegl_name: "cell-noise",
append_crop: true,
values: (
iterations: i64, 1, "The number of noise octaves.",
palettize: bool, false, "Fill each cell with a random color.",
rank: i64, 1, "Select the n-th closest point",
scale: f64, 1.0, "The scale of the noise function.",
seed: f64, 0.0, "The random seed for the noise function.",
shape: f64, 2.0, "Interpolate between Manhattan and Euclidean distance.",
struct_name: Crop,
gegl_name: "crop",
append_crop: false,
values: (
height: f64, 0.0, "The wanted height of the buffer.",
reset_origin: bool, false, "Reset the origin for the coordinates.",
width: f64, 0.0, "The wanted width of the buffer.",
x: f64, 0.0, "The X coordinate to start from.",
y: f64, 0.0, "The Y coordinate to start from.",
struct_name: DiffractionPatterns,
gegl_name: "diffraction-patterns",
append_crop: true,
values: (
blue_contours: f64, 0.97, "Number of contours (blue);",
blue_frequency: f64, 1.12, "Light frequency (blue).",
blue_sedges: f64, 0.64, "Number of sharp edges (blue).",
brightness: f64, 0.07, "Brightness and shifting/fattening of contours.",
green_contours: f64, 0.82, "Number of contours (green);",
green_frequency: f64, 1.22, "Light frequency (green).",
green_sedges: f64, 0.68, "Number of sharp edges (green).",
height: i64, 200, "Height of the generated buffer.",
polarization: f64, -0.47, "Polarization.",
red_contours: f64, 0.82, "Number of contours (red);",
red_frequency: f64, 0.81, "Light frequency (red).",
red_sedges: f64, 0.61, "Number of sharp edges (red).",
scattering: f64, 37.13, "Scattering (speed vs. quality).",
width: i64, 200, "Width of the generated buffer.",
struct_name: FocusBlur,
gegl_name: "focus-blur",
append_crop: false,
values: (
aspect_ratio: f64, 0.0, "The aspect ratio of the focus region.",
blur_radius: f64, 25.0, "Out-of-focus blur radius.",
blur_type: FocusBlurType, FocusBlurType::Gaussian, "The blur type.",
focus: f64, 0.25, "The focus region's inner limit.",
highlight_factor: f64, 0.0, "Relative highlight strength.",
highlight_threshold_high: f64, 1.0, "Highlight threshold (high).",
highlight_threshold_low: f64, 0.0, "Highlight threshold (low).",
high_quality: bool, false, "Generate more accurate and consistent output.",
midpoint: f64, 0.5, "The focus region's transition midpoint.",
radius: f64, 0.75, "The focus region's outer radius.",
rotation: f64, 0.0, "The rotation of the focus region.",
shape: FocusBlurShape, FocusBlurShape::Circle, "The blur shape.",
x: f64, 0.5, "The X coordinate for the center of the blur.",
y: f64, 0.5, "The Y coordinate for the center of the blur.",
struct_name: Maze,
gegl_name: "maze",
append_crop: false,
values: (
algorithm_type: MazeAlgorithmType, MazeAlgorithmType::DepthFirst, "Maze algorithm type",
bg_color: String, "#fff".to_string(), "The background color.",
fg_color: String, "#000".to_string(), "The foreground color.",
seed: f64, 0.0, "The random seed.",
tileable: bool, false, "Whether the maze should be tileable.",
x: i64, 16, "Horizontal width of cells pixels.",
y: i64, 16, "Vertical width of cells pixels.",