import path from "node:path"; import {defineConfig} from "astro/config"; import mdxIntegration from "@astrojs/mdx"; import preactIntegration from "@astrojs/preact"; /** * Create an absolute path from a given relative one, using the directory * this file is located in as the base. * * @param relative The relative path to make absolute. * @returns The absolute path. */ function toAbsolutePath(relative: string): string { return new URL(relative, import.meta.url).pathname; } // Create absolute paths to various directories. const buildDir = toAbsolutePath("./public"); const sourceDir = toAbsolutePath("./source"); export default defineConfig({ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention compressHTML: true, integrations: [mdxIntegration(), preactIntegration()], outDir: buildDir, publicDir: path.join(sourceDir, "assets/"), site: "", srcDir: sourceDir, });