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2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
import {offset, type Offset} from "caret-pos";
import {Component} from "preact";
2023-06-27 11:51:04 +00:00
import {type UserLabelsData} from "../../storage/exports.js";
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
import {log, querySelectorAll} from "../../utilities/exports.js";
type Props = {
* Whether the Anonymize Usernames feature is enabled, in which case this
* feature needs to handle collecting usernames a little differently.
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
anonymizeUsernamesEnabled: boolean;
/** The list of known groups to use for the group autocompletions. */
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
knownGroups: Set<string>;
* All the User Labels the user has saved to use for additional username
* completions.
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
userLabels: UserLabelsData;
type State = {
/** All the groups without leading tildes. */
groups: Set<string>;
/** Whether the group autocompletion list is hidden or not. */
groupsHidden: boolean;
/** The current set of group matches. */
groupsMatches: Set<string>;
/** The position where the group autocompletion list should be shown. */
groupsPosition: Offset | undefined;
/** The currently highlighted match index of the active list. */
highlightedIndex: number;
/** Whether the user is currently typing in an autocomplete section. */
typingInAutocomplete: boolean;
/** All the usernames without leading @-symbols. */
usernames: Set<string>;
/** Whether the username autocompletion list is hidden or not. */
usernamesHidden: boolean;
/** The current set of username matches. */
usernamesMatches: Set<string>;
/** The position where the username autocompletion list should be shown. */
usernamesPosition: Offset | undefined;
/** All the properties we need to handle `<textarea>` input. */
type TextareaInputProps = {
/** Which key is being pressed. */
key: string;
/** The prefix for the autocomplete to detect. */
prefix: "~" | "@";
/** Whether SHIFT is being pressed. */
shift: boolean;
/** The list of values we are targetting. */
target: "groups" | "usernames";
/** The `<textarea>` element. */
textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement;
/** The current set of values to match against. */
values: Set<string>;
export class AutocompleteFeature extends Component<Props, State> {
constructor(props: Props) {
// Get all the groups without their leading tildes.
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
const groups = Array.from(props.knownGroups).map((value) =>
value.startsWith("~") ? value.slice(1) : value,
const usernames = [
// Get all the usernames on the page without their leading @-symbols.
...querySelectorAll<HTMLElement>(".link-user").map((value) => {
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
if (props.anonymizeUsernamesEnabled) {
return (value.dataset.trxUsername ?? "<unknown>").toLowerCase();
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
return value.textContent!.replace(/^@/, "").toLowerCase();
// Get all the usernames from the saved User Labels.
...props.userLabels.map(({value}) => value.username),
].sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b));
this.state = {
groups: new Set(groups),
groupsHidden: true,
groupsMatches: new Set(groups),
groupsPosition: undefined,
highlightedIndex: 0,
typingInAutocomplete: false,
usernames: new Set(usernames),
usernamesHidden: true,
usernamesMatches: new Set(usernames),
usernamesPosition: undefined,
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
document.addEventListener("keydown", this.globalInputHandler);
document.addEventListener("compositionupdate", this.globalInputHandler);
`Autocomplete: Initialized with ${this.state.groups.size} groups and ` +
`${this.state.usernames.size} usernames.`,
* The global input handler for `keydown` and `compositionupdate` events.
* See https://gitlab.com/tildes-community/tildes-reextended/-/issues/31 for
* why we also need to listen for `compositionupdate`.
globalInputHandler = (event: CompositionEvent | KeyboardEvent) => {
2023-12-14 12:11:02 +00:00
const textarea = event.target;
// Only add the autocompletes to textareas.
2023-12-14 12:11:02 +00:00
if (!(textarea instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement)) {
// Get the key that was pressed.
const [key, shift] =
event instanceof KeyboardEvent
? [event.key, event.shiftKey]
: [event.data, false];
if (this.state.typingInAutocomplete && ["Enter", "Tab"].includes(key)) {
// If the user is typing with an autocomplete list active then prevent
// certain keys from taking effect, like Tab moving the focus away.
// Helper function to create autocompletes with.
const createHandler = (
prefix: TextareaInputProps["prefix"],
target: TextareaInputProps["target"],
values: TextareaInputProps["values"],
) => {
const dataAttribute = `data-trx-autocomplete-${target}`;
2023-12-14 12:11:02 +00:00
if (key === prefix && !textarea.getAttribute(dataAttribute)) {
textarea.setAttribute(dataAttribute, "true");
textarea.addEventListener("keyup", (innerEvent) => {
key: innerEvent.key,
shift: innerEvent.shiftKey,
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
createHandler("~", "groups", this.state.groups);
createHandler("@", "usernames", this.state.usernames);
if (["~", "@"].includes(key)) {
// When an autocomplete is first started manually set that we're typing
// in it.
this.setState({typingInAutocomplete: true});
/** The input handler for any `<textarea>` elements. */
textareaInputHandler = (props: TextareaInputProps) => {
const {key, prefix, shift, target, textarea, values} = props;
const text = textarea.value;
// If the prefix isn't in the textarea, return early.
if (!text.includes(prefix)) {
// Grab the starting position of the caret (text cursor).
const position = textarea.selectionStart;
// Grab the last index of the prefix inside the beginning of the textarea
// and the starting position of the caret.
const prefixIndex = text.slice(0, position).lastIndexOf(prefix);
// Grab the input between the prefix and the caret position, which will be
// what the user is currently typing.
const input = text.slice(prefixIndex + prefix.length, position);
// If there is any whitespace in the input, return early. Usernames and
// groups cannot have whitespace in them which means that the user has
// finished typing what the autocomplete should handle.
if (/\s/.test(input)) {
if (key === " " || key === "Backspace") {
// If Space or Backspace were pressed and there was nothing between the
// prefix and current cursor position then it means we don't want to
// continue showing the autocomplete list.
// Find any values that match using case-insensitive includes.
const matches = new Set<string>(
2023-12-14 12:11:02 +00:00
[...values].filter((value) =>
// If there are no matches, return early.
if (matches.size === 0) {
let {highlightedIndex} = this.state;
if (key === "Enter") {
// Grab the highlighted match.
const highlightedMatch = Array.from(matches)[highlightedIndex];
if (highlightedMatch === undefined) {
`Autocomplete: Attempted to enter undefined match with index ${highlightedIndex}`,
// Then insert it into the textarea.
textarea.value =
// First grab the existing text up to and including the current prefix.
text.slice(0, prefixIndex + prefix.length) +
// Then add the highlighted match.
highlightedMatch +
// And finally add the existing text where the cursor was positioned.
highlightedIndex = 0;
// Set the cursor position to the end of the autocompleted match.
const newPosition = prefixIndex + prefix.length + highlightedMatch.length;
textarea.selectionStart = newPosition;
textarea.selectionEnd = newPosition;
} else if (key === "Tab") {
if (shift) {
// If shift is being pressed move the highlight back up.
highlightedIndex -= 1;
} else {
// Otherwise with just tab being pressed move it down.
highlightedIndex += 1;
} else {
// When any other key is pressed make sure the list is shown in the
// correct place and also has all the new matches.
this.show(target, offset(textarea));
this.update(target, matches);
// Make sure the highlighted index is never set out of bounds.
if (highlightedIndex < 0) {
highlightedIndex = matches.size - 1;
} else if (highlightedIndex >= matches.size) {
highlightedIndex = 0;
/** Update the available matches. */
update = (
target: TextareaInputProps["target"],
matches: TextareaInputProps["values"],
) => {
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
if (target === "groups") {
groupsMatches: matches,
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
} else if (target === "usernames") {
usernamesMatches: matches,
/** Show the autocomplete list in the given position. */
show = (target: TextareaInputProps["target"], position: Offset) => {
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
if (target === "groups") {
groupsHidden: false,
groupsPosition: position,
typingInAutocomplete: true,
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
} else if (target === "usernames") {
usernamesHidden: false,
usernamesPosition: position,
typingInAutocomplete: true,
/** Hide the autocomplete list. */
hide = (target: TextareaInputProps["target"]) => {
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
if (target === "groups") {
groupsHidden: true,
typingInAutocomplete: false,
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
} else if (target === "usernames") {
usernamesHidden: true,
typingInAutocomplete: false,
render() {
const {groupsMatches, highlightedIndex, usernamesMatches} = this.state;
// Create the `<li>` elements for groups and usernames.
const groups = [...groupsMatches].map((value, index) => (
<li class={highlightedIndex === index ? "highlighted" : ""}>~{value}</li>
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
const usernames = [...usernamesMatches].map((value, index) => (
<li class={highlightedIndex === index ? "highlighted" : ""}>@{value}</li>
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
// Figure out which lists are hidden.
2023-06-23 10:52:03 +00:00
const groupsHidden = this.state.groupsHidden ? "trx-hidden" : "";
const usernamesHidden = this.state.usernamesHidden ? "trx-hidden" : "";
// Calculate the position for the `<ul>` elements.
const groupsLeft = this.state.groupsPosition?.left ?? 0;
const groupsTop =
(this.state.groupsPosition?.top ?? 0) +
(this.state.groupsPosition?.height ?? 0);
const usernamesLeft = this.state.usernamesPosition?.left ?? 0;
const usernamesTop =
(this.state.usernamesPosition?.top ?? 0) +
(this.state.usernamesPosition?.height ?? 0);
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return (
class={`trx-autocomplete ${usernamesHidden}`}
style={`left: ${usernamesLeft}px; top: ${usernamesTop}px`}
class={`trx-autocomplete ${groupsHidden}`}
style={`left: ${groupsLeft}px; top: ${groupsTop}px`}