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import {migrate} from 'migration-helper';
import browser from 'webextension-polyfill';
import {migrations, deserializeData} from './migrations.js';
import {log} from './utilities/exports.js';
export default class Settings {
public static async fromSyncStorage(): Promise<Settings> {
const settings = new Settings();
const sync = {
...(await browser.storage.sync.get(null)),
const migrated = (await migrate(
sync.version ?? settings.version,
)) as Record<string, any>;
const deserialized = deserializeData(migrated);
settings.data = migrated.data as Settings['data'];
settings.data.userLabels = deserialized.userLabels;
settings.data.usernameColors = deserialized.usernameColors;
settings.features = migrated.features as Settings['features'];
settings.version = migrated.version as Settings['version'];
if (sync.version !== settings.version) {
await settings.save();
return settings;
public static manifest(): TRXManifest {
return browser.runtime.getManifest();
public static async nuke(event?: MouseEvent): Promise<void> {
if (event !== undefined) {
if (
// eslint-disable-next-line no-alert
'Are you sure you want to delete your data? There is no way to recover it once it has been deleted.',
) {
await browser.storage.sync.clear();
'Data removed, reloading this page to reinitialize default settings.',
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
public data: {
hideVotes: {
[index: string]: boolean;
comments: boolean;
topics: boolean;
ownComments: boolean;
ownTopics: boolean;
knownGroups: string[];
latestActiveFeatureTab: string;
userLabels: UserLabel[];
2022-02-25 00:06:24 +00:00
usernameColors: UsernameColor[];
public features: {
[index: string]: boolean;
anonymizeUsernames: boolean;
autocomplete: boolean;
backToTop: boolean;
debug: boolean;
hideVotes: boolean;
jumpToNewComment: boolean;
markdownToolbar: boolean;
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themedLogo: boolean;
userLabels: boolean;
2022-02-25 00:06:24 +00:00
usernameColors: boolean;
public version: string;
private constructor() {
this.data = {
hideVotes: {
comments: true,
topics: true,
ownComments: true,
ownTopics: true,
// If groups are added or removed from Tildes this does not necessarily need
// to be updated. There is a helper function available to update it whenever
// the user goes to "/groups", where all the groups are easily available.
// Features that use this data should be added to the `usesKnownGroups`
// array that is near the top of `content-scripts.ts`.
knownGroups: [
latestActiveFeatureTab: 'debug',
userLabels: [],
2022-02-25 00:06:24 +00:00
usernameColors: [],
this.features = {
anonymizeUsernames: false,
autocomplete: true,
backToTop: true,
debug: false,
hideVotes: false,
jumpToNewComment: true,
markdownToolbar: true,
2022-02-27 21:51:54 +00:00
themedLogo: false,
userLabels: true,
2022-02-25 00:06:24 +00:00
usernameColors: false,
this.version = '0.0.0';
public manifest(): TRXManifest {
return Settings.manifest();
public async nuke(event?: MouseEvent): Promise<void> {
await Settings.nuke(event);
public async save(): Promise<void> {
const sync: Record<string, any> = {
data: {
hideVotes: this.data.hideVotes,
knownGroups: this.data.knownGroups,
latestActiveFeatureTab: this.data.latestActiveFeatureTab,
features: this.features,
version: this.version,
for (const label of this.data.userLabels) {
sync[`userLabel${label.id}`] = {...label};
for (const color of this.data.usernameColors) {
sync[`usernameColor${color.id}`] = {...color};
await browser.storage.sync.set(sync);