import {promises as fs} from 'fs'; import {join} from 'path'; import prompts from 'prompts'; import semver from 'semver'; import git from 'simple-git/promise'; (async (): Promise => { const manifestJSONPath: string = join(__dirname, '../source/manifest.json'); const packageJSONPath: string = join(__dirname, '../package.json'); const manifestJSON: any = JSON.parse( await fs.readFile(manifestJSONPath, 'utf8') ); const packageJSON: any = JSON.parse( await fs.readFile(packageJSONPath, 'utf8') ); if (manifestJSON.version !== packageJSON.version) { console.log( `manifest.json and package.json versions are not the same:\n` + `${String(manifestJSON.version)} | ${String(packageJSON.version)}` ); return; } const currentVersion: string = manifestJSON.version; const input = await prompts({ message: 'Bump major, minor or patch?', name: 'type', type: 'select', choices: [ { title: 'Major', description: `${currentVersion} -> ${ currentVersion, 'major' )!}`, value: 'major' }, { title: 'Minor', description: `${currentVersion} -> ${ currentVersion, 'minor' )!}`, value: 'minor' }, { title: 'Patch', description: `${currentVersion} -> ${ currentVersion, 'patch' )!}`, value: 'patch' } ] as Array | undefined, initial: 1 }); switch (input.type) { case 'major': break; case 'minor': break; case 'patch': break; default: console.log(`Unknown input: ${String(input.type)}`); return; } const newVersion: string | null =, input.type); if (newVersion === null) { console.log( `Something went wrong with semver incrementing ${currentVersion}` ); return; } if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { console.log( 'Running in development, not writing JSONs to file or committing the changes.' ); return; } const repository: git.SimpleGit = git(join(__dirname, '../')); const status: git.StatusResult = await repository.status(); if (status.staged.length > 0 || status.created.length > 0) { console.log( `Git repository has ${status.staged.length}/${status.created.length} staged/created files, commit these or unstage them then run this script again.` ); return; } console.log( `Bumping ${currentVersion} to ${newVersion}, writing JSONs to file.` ); manifestJSON.version = newVersion; await fs.writeFile( manifestJSONPath, JSON.stringify(manifestJSON, null, 2) + '\n' ); packageJSON.version = newVersion; await fs.writeFile( packageJSONPath, JSON.stringify(packageJSON, null, 2) + '\n' ); console.log('Committing changed files and tagging version.'); await repository.add([manifestJSONPath, packageJSONPath]); await repository.commit(`Version: ${newVersion}`); await repository.addAnnotatedTag(`${newVersion}`, `Version ${newVersion}`); })();