import browser from 'webextension-polyfill'; import {log} from './utilities/exports.js'; export default class Settings { public static async fromSyncStorage(): Promise { const settings = new Settings(); const defaultsObject = { data:, features: settings.features, }; const sync = (await defaultsObject, )) as typeof defaultsObject; =; settings.features = sync.features; return settings; } public static manifest(): TRXManifest { return browser.runtime.getManifest(); } public static async nuke(event?: MouseEvent): Promise { if (event !== undefined) { event.preventDefault(); } if ( // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert window.confirm( 'Are you sure you want to delete your data? There is no way to recover it once it has been deleted.', ) ) { await; log( 'Data removed, reloading this page to reinitialize default settings.', true, ); setTimeout(() => { window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } } public data: { hideVotes: { [index: string]: boolean; comments: boolean; topics: boolean; ownComments: boolean; ownTopics: boolean; }; knownGroups: string[]; latestActiveFeatureTab: string; userLabels: UserLabel[]; }; public features: { [index: string]: boolean; anonymizeUsernames: boolean; autocomplete: boolean; backToTop: boolean; debug: boolean; hideVotes: boolean; jumpToNewComment: boolean; markdownToolbar: boolean; userLabels: boolean; }; private constructor() { = { hideVotes: { comments: true, topics: true, ownComments: true, ownTopics: true, }, // If groups are added or removed from Tildes this does not necessarily need // to be updated. There is a helper function available to update it whenever // the user goes to "/groups", where all the groups are easily available. // Features that use this data should be added to the `usesKnownGroups` // array that is near the top of `content-scripts.ts`. knownGroups: [ '~anime', '~arts', '~books', '~comp', '~creative', '~design', '~enviro', '~finance', '~food', '~games', '~games.game_design', '~games.tabletop', '~health', '~health.coronavirus', '~hobbies', '~humanities', '~lgbt', '~life', '~misc', '~movies', '~music', '~news', '~science', '~space', '~sports', '~talk', '~tech', '~test', '~tildes', '~tildes.official', '~tv', ], latestActiveFeatureTab: 'debug', userLabels: [], }; this.features = { anonymizeUsernames: false, autocomplete: true, backToTop: true, debug: false, hideVotes: false, jumpToNewComment: true, markdownToolbar: true, userLabels: true, }; } public manifest(): TRXManifest { return Settings.manifest(); } public async nuke(event?: MouseEvent): Promise { await Settings.nuke(event); } public async save(): Promise { await; } }