import {type Value} from "@holllo/webextension-storage"; import {render} from "preact"; import {log, querySelectorAll} from "../../utilities/exports.js"; import { type MarkdownSnippet, MarkdownSnippetMarker, } from "../../storage/exports.js"; export function runMarkdownToolbarFeature( snippets: Array>, ) { const count = addToolbarsToTextareas(snippets); log(`Markdown Toolbar: Initialized for ${count} textareas.`); } function addToolbarsToTextareas( snippets: Array>, ): number { // Grab all Markdown forms that don't have already have a toolbar. const markdownForms = querySelectorAll(".form-markdown:not(.trx-toolbar)"); if (markdownForms.length === 0) { return 0; } for (const form of markdownForms) { // Add `trx-toolbar` to indicate this Markdown form already has the toolbar. form.classList.add("trx-toolbar"); const menu = form.querySelector(".tab-markdown-mode")!; const textarea = form.querySelector( 'textarea[name="markdown"]', )!; const snippetButtons = snippets .filter((snippet) => !snippet.value.inDropdown) .map((snippet) => ( )); const noDropdownSnippets = snippets.length === snippetButtons.length; // Render the buttons inside the tab menu so they appear // next to the Edit and Preview buttons. const menuPlaceholder = document.createElement("div"); menu.append(menuPlaceholder); render(snippetButtons, menu, menuPlaceholder); if (!noDropdownSnippets) { // And render the dropdown directly after the menu. const dropdownPlaceholder = document.createElement("div"); const menuParent = menu.parentElement!; menu.after(dropdownPlaceholder); render( <> , menuParent, dropdownPlaceholder, ); } } return markdownForms.length; } type Props = { allSnippets: Array>; snippet?: Value; textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement; }; function SnippetButton(props: Required) { const click = (event: MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); insertSnippet(props); }; return (
  • ); } function SnippetDropdown(props: Props) { const snippets = props.allSnippets; const options = snippets ?.filter((snippet) => snippet.value.inDropdown) .map((snippet) => ( )); if (options.length === 0) { return null; } const change = (event: Event) => { event.preventDefault(); const snippet = snippets.find( (value) => === ( as HTMLSelectElement).value, )!; insertSnippet({ ...props, snippet, }); ( as HTMLSelectElement).selectedIndex = 0; }; return ( ); } function insertSnippet(props: Required) { const {textarea, snippet} = props; const {selectionStart, selectionEnd} = textarea; // Since you have to press a button or go into a dropdown to click on a // snippet, the textarea won't be focused anymore. So focus it again. textarea.focus(); let {markdown} = snippet.value; // Get the marker positions and remove them from the snippet. let cursorIndex = markdown.indexOf(MarkdownSnippetMarker.Cursor); markdown = markdown.replace(MarkdownSnippetMarker.Cursor, ""); const selectedCursorIndex = markdown.indexOf( MarkdownSnippetMarker.SelectedCursor, ); markdown = markdown.replace(MarkdownSnippetMarker.SelectedCursor, ""); // If we have a Cursor and SelectedCursor in the snippet, and the Cursor is // placed after the SelectedCursor we have to account for the marker string // length. // We don't have to do it in reverse because the Cursor index is taken first // and the marker string for that is removed before the SelectedCursor index // is taken. if ( cursorIndex !== -1 && selectedCursorIndex !== -1 && cursorIndex > selectedCursorIndex ) { cursorIndex -= MarkdownSnippetMarker.SelectedCursor.length; } let cursorPosition = cursorIndex; // If any text has been selected, include it. if (selectionStart !== selectionEnd) { markdown = markdown.slice(0, cursorIndex) + textarea.value.slice(selectionStart, selectionEnd) + markdown.slice(cursorIndex); cursorPosition = selectedCursorIndex === -1 ? cursorIndex : selectedCursorIndex; } textarea.value = textarea.value.slice(0, selectionStart) + markdown + textarea.value.slice(selectionEnd); textarea.selectionEnd = selectionEnd + cursorPosition; }