import {offset, Offset} from 'caret-pos'; import { Settings, getSettings, createElementFromString, extractAndSaveGroups } from '../utilities'; const knownGroups: Set = new Set(); const knownUsers: Set = new Set(); (async (): Promise => { let settings: Settings = await getSettings(); if (!settings.features.autocomplete) { return; } try { settings = await extractAndSaveGroups(settings); } catch { // This will intentionally error when we're not in "/groups". } for (const group of { if (group.startsWith('~')) { knownGroups.add(group.slice(1)); } else { knownGroups.add(group); } } // Add usernames from all linked users on the page. const userLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.link-user'); for (const link of userLinks) { const username: string = link.textContent!.replace(/@/g, '').toLowerCase(); knownUsers.add(username); } // Add usernames we have saved in the user labels. for (const label of { knownUsers.add(label.username); } document.addEventListener('keydown', globalInputHandler); })(); function globalInputHandler(event: KeyboardEvent) { const activeElement: HTMLElement = document.activeElement as HTMLElement; // Only add the autocompletes to textareas. if (activeElement.tagName !== 'TEXTAREA') { return; } // If a ~ is entered in a textarea and that textarea doesn't already have // the group input handler running, add it. if ( event.key === '~' && !activeElement.getAttribute('data-trx-autocomplete-group') ) { activeElement.setAttribute('data-trx-autocomplete-group', 'true'); // Sort the groups alphabetically. const groups: string[] = [...knownGroups]; groups.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)); if (!document.querySelector('#trx-autocomplete-group-form')) { const form: HTMLFormElement = createOrGetAutocompleteForm( 'group', groups ); document.body.append(form); } textareaInputHandler(event, '~', 'group', groups); activeElement.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => textareaInputHandler(event, '~', 'group', groups) ); } // If an @ is entered in a textarea and that textarea doesn't already have // the user input handler running, add it. if ( event.key === '@' && !activeElement.getAttribute('data-trx-autocomplete-user') ) { activeElement.setAttribute('data-trx-autocomplete-user', 'true'); // Sort the usernames alphabetically. const users: string[] = [...knownUsers]; users.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)); if (!document.querySelector('#trx-autocomplete-user-form')) { const form: HTMLFormElement = createOrGetAutocompleteForm('user', users); document.body.append(form); } textareaInputHandler(event, '@', 'user', users); activeElement.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => textareaInputHandler(event, '@', 'user', users) ); } } function textareaInputHandler( event: KeyboardEvent, prefix: string, id: string, values: string[] ) { const textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement = as HTMLTextAreaElement; const text: string = textarea.value; // If the prefix isn't in the textarea, return early. if (!text.includes(prefix)) { hideAutocompleteForm(id); return; } // Grab the starting position of the caret (text cursor). const position: number = textarea.selectionStart; // Grab the last index of the prefix inside the beginning of the textarea and // the starting position of the caret. Basically doing a reversed index of. const prefixIndex: number = text.slice(0, position).lastIndexOf(prefix); // Grab the input between the prefix and the caret position, which will be // what the user is currently typing. const input = text.slice(prefixIndex + prefix.length, position); // If there is any whitespace in the input or there is no input at all, return // early. if (/\s/.exec(input) || input === '') { hideAutocompleteForm(id); return; } // Find all the values that match the input. const matches: string[] = []; for (const value of values) { if (value.includes(input.toLocaleLowerCase())) { matches.push(value); } } // If there are no matches, return early. if (matches.length === 0) { hideAutocompleteForm(id); return; } // If the autocomplete form is hidden, unhide it. if (document.querySelector(`#trx-autocomplete-${id}-form.trx-hidden`)) { showAutocompleteForm(id, offset(textarea)); } // And finally update the values in the autocomplete form. updateAutocompleteFormValues(id, matches); } function createOrGetAutocompleteForm( id: string, values: string[] ): HTMLFormElement { const existing: Element | null = document.querySelector( `#trx-autocomplete-${id}-form` ); if (existing !== null) { return existing as HTMLFormElement; } const options: string[] = []; for (const value of values) { options.push(`
  • ${value}
  • `); } const autocompleteFormTemplate = `
    `; const form: HTMLFormElement = createElementFromString( autocompleteFormTemplate ); return form; } function hideAutocompleteForm(id: string): HTMLFormElement { const form: HTMLFormElement = createOrGetAutocompleteForm(id, []); form.classList.add('trx-hidden'); return form; } function showAutocompleteForm(id: string, offset: Offset): HTMLFormElement { const form: HTMLFormElement = createOrGetAutocompleteForm(id, []); form.classList.remove('trx-hidden'); form.setAttribute( 'style', `left: ${offset.left}px; top: ${ + offset.height}px;` ); return form; } function updateAutocompleteFormValues( id: string, values: string[] ): HTMLFormElement { const form: HTMLFormElement = createOrGetAutocompleteForm(id, []); form.firstElementChild!.remove(); const options: string[] = []; for (const value of values) { options.push(`
  • ${value}
  • `); } const list: HTMLUListElement = createElementFromString( `
    ` ); form.append(list); return form; }