import {createValue, type Value} from "@holllo/webextension-storage"; import browser from "webextension-polyfill"; import {Data, Feature, MiscellaneousFeature} from "./enums.js"; import {collectHideTopicsData} from "./hide-topics.js"; import {defaultKnownGroups} from "./known-groups.js"; import {collectUsernameColors} from "./username-color.js"; import {collectUserLabels} from "./user-label.js"; export * from "./enums.js"; export * from "./hide-topics.js"; export * from "./username-color.js"; export * from "./user-label.js"; /** * The data stored for the Hide Votes feature. */ export type HideVotesData = { otherComments: boolean; otherTopics: boolean; ownComments: boolean; ownTopics: boolean; }; /** * All storage {@link Value}s stored in WebExtension storage. */ export const storageValues = { [Data.EnabledFeatures]: createValue({ deserialize: (input) => new Set(JSON.parse(input) as Feature[]), serialize: (input) => JSON.stringify(Array.from(input)), key: Data.EnabledFeatures, value: new Set([ Feature.BackToTop, Feature.JumpToNewComment, Feature.MarkdownToolbar, Feature.UserLabels, ]), storage:, }), [Data.KnownGroups]: createValue({ deserialize: (input) => new Set(JSON.parse(input) as string[]), serialize: (input) => JSON.stringify(Array.from(input)), key: Data.KnownGroups, value: new Set(defaultKnownGroups), storage:, }), [Data.LatestActiveFeatureTab]: createValue({ deserialize: (input) => JSON.parse(input) as Feature, serialize: (input) => JSON.stringify(input), key: Data.LatestActiveFeatureTab, value: Feature.Debug, storage:, }), [Data.MiscellaneousEnabledFeatures]: createValue({ deserialize: (input) => new Set(JSON.parse(input) as MiscellaneousFeature[]), serialize: (input) => JSON.stringify(Array.from(input)), key: Data.MiscellaneousEnabledFeatures, value: new Set([MiscellaneousFeature.CommentAnchorFix]), storage:, }), [Data.Version]: createValue({ deserialize: (input) => JSON.parse(input) as string, serialize: (input) => JSON.stringify(input), key: Data.Version, value: "2.0.0", storage:, }), [Data.RandomizeUsernameColors]: createValue({ deserialize: (input) => JSON.parse(input) as boolean, serialize: (input) => JSON.stringify(input), key: Data.RandomizeUsernameColors, value: false, storage:, }), [Feature.HideTopics]: collectHideTopicsData(), [Feature.HideVotes]: createValue({ deserialize: (input) => JSON.parse(input) as HideVotesData, serialize: (input) => JSON.stringify(input), key: Feature.HideVotes, value: { otherComments: false, otherTopics: false, ownComments: true, ownTopics: true, }, storage:, }), [Feature.UserLabels]: collectUserLabels(), [Feature.UsernameColors]: collectUsernameColors(), }; /** * Shorthand for the inferred shape of {@link storageValues}. */ export type StorageValues = typeof storageValues; /** * Return the {@link Value}-wrapped data associated with a particular key. * @param key The key of the value to get from {@link storageValues}. */ export async function fromStorage( key: K, ): Promise { return storageValues[key]; }