import fastDiff from "fast-diff"; import {type JSX, render} from "preact"; import {capitalize, log, querySelector} from "../../../utilities/exports.js"; export function runTopicLogEnhancementsFeature(): void { const count = applyEnhancements(); if (count > 0) { log(`Topic Log Enhancements: Applied to ${count} topic log entries.`); } } function applyEnhancements(): number { // Get the topic log listing if there is one. const listing = document.querySelector( ".topic-log-listing:not([data-trx-topic-log-enhancements])", ) ?? undefined; if (listing === undefined) { return 0; } // Open the topic log `
` element. querySelector("details.topic-log").open = true; const entries = listing.querySelectorAll(".topic-log-entry"); const enhancements: JSX.Element[] = []; for (const entry of Array.from(entries)) { const editor = entry.querySelector(".link-user")?.textContent ?? undefined; // Grab the text of the topic log entry. let text = entry.textContent ?? undefined; if (text === undefined) { log( "Undefined topic log entry text encountered, this should be unreachable.", true, ); continue; } // Remove any excess whitespace. text = text.replace(/\s+/g, " ").trim(); // Remove the editor's name too as we already have that. text = text.slice(text.indexOf(" ") + 1); // Grab the timestamp and remove it from the text. const timestampIndex = text.lastIndexOf("("); const timestamp = text.slice(timestampIndex); text = text.slice(0, timestampIndex - 1); // Account for the original poster making edits. const editedByAuthor = text.startsWith("(OP) "); if (editedByAuthor) { text = text.slice("(OP) ".length); } // Account for deleted and removed topics or users not having their names // shown. if (text.startsWith("user ")) { text = text.slice("user ".length); } // Create the enhanced entry and remove the original one. enhancements.push( , ); entry.remove(); } listing.dataset.trxTopicLogEnhancements = "true"; render(enhancements, listing); return enhancements.length; } /** Properties for the {@linkcode TopicLogEnhancement} component. */ type TopicLogEnhancementProps = { /** Whether the original topic author made the changes. */ editedByAuthor: boolean; /** * The username of the person making the change, can be undefined if no user * link was in the entry. */ editor: string | undefined; /** The text body of the entry. */ text: string; /** The timestamp of when the edit was made. */ timestamp: string; }; /** The topic log entry enhancement component. */ function TopicLogEnhancement(props: TopicLogEnhancementProps): JSX.Element { const {editedByAuthor, editor, text, timestamp} = props; const editorLink = editor ? ( {editor} ) : ( "Unknown user" ); const originalPosterSpan = editedByAuthor ? ( <> (OP) ) : undefined; const transformedText = transformText(text); return (
  • {editorLink} {originalPosterSpan} {transformedText.title} {timestamp}{" "}
  • ); } /** The result of the {@linkcode transformText} function. */ type TransformedText = { /** The main body of the topic log entry. */ body: JSX.Element | string; /** The title of the entry to be placed between the username and timestamp. */ title: string; }; /** Transform the topic log entry text into its respective enhanced version. */ function transformText(text: string): TransformedText { // Check for tag additions and removals. if (text.startsWith("added tag") || text.startsWith("removed tag")) { const sections = text.includes("' and removed tag") ? // If the entry has both added and removed tags in the same line, split // them in the middle so we can more easily match them. The extra colon // in the split string is so we don't accidentally split on an " and " // in a tag. text.split("' and ") : [text]; // Match the added tags using the first section, as it always comes first. const {added} = /^added tags? (?.+)$/g.exec(sections[0])?.groups ?? {}; // Match the removed tags using the second section first and if that // doesn't exist, try using the first section. const {removed} = /^removed tags? (?.+)$/g.exec(sections[1] ?? sections[0]) ?.groups ?? {}; // Collect all the diff spans into one array. const spans: JSX.Element[] = []; // Get the topic's group path by removing the ID and slug from the pathname. // So for example "/~group/id36/title_slug" becomes "/~group". const groupPath = window.location.pathname.slice( 0, window.location.pathname.indexOf("/", 1), ); if (removed !== undefined) { const tags = removed.replace(/'/g, "").split(", "); spans.push( => ( <> {tag}
    )), ); } if (added !== undefined) { const tags = added.replace(/'/g, "").split(", "); spans.push( => ( <> {tag}
    )), ); } return { body: <>{spans}, title: "edited the tags", }; } // Check for link changes. if (text.startsWith("changed link from")) { // The Tildes link topic schema only allows HTTP or HTTPS links so we can // take advantage of that to match them more easily. const {from, to} = /(?http.+) to (?http.+)$/g.exec(text)!.groups!; return { body: , title: "edited the link", }; } // Check for title changes. if (text.startsWith("changed title from")) { const {from, to} = /"(?.+)" to "(?.+)"$/g.exec(text)!.groups!; return { body: , title: "edited the title", }; } // Check for both the locking and unlocking of topics. if (text.includes("locked comments")) { const locked = text.startsWith("locked"); return { body: locked ? "New comments can not be posted." : "New comments can be posted again.", title: `${locked ? "" : "un"}locked the topic`, }; } // Check for the topic group being changed. if (text.startsWith("moved from")) { const {from, to} = /(?~.+) to (?~.+)/g.exec(text)!.groups!; return { body: ( <> From{" "} {from} {" "} to{" "} {to} ), title: "moved the topic", }; } // Check for topic removals and un-removals. if (text.includes("removed")) { const removed = text.startsWith("removed"); return { body: removed ? "The topic was removed by a site administrator." : "The topic has been made available again.", title: `${removed ? "" : "un-"}removed the topic`, }; } // Log any unhandled topic log entries and return the text as the body so the // entry still shows up in a decent enough way. log(`Unhandled topic log entry: ${text}`, true); return {body: capitalize(text), title: ""}; } /** Properties for the {@linkcode DiffSpans} component. */ type DiffSpansProps = { /** The original text string. */ from: string; /** The resulting text string to compare against the original with. */ to: string; }; /** * Calculate the diff between to strings using `fast-diff` and render the * results as two ``s. */ function DiffSpans({from, to}: DiffSpansProps): JSX.Element { const fromParts: Array = []; const toParts: typeof fromParts = []; for (const [action, change] of fastDiff(from, to)) { // eslint-disable-next-line default-case switch (action) { case fastDiff.EQUAL: { fromParts.push(change); toParts.push(change); break; } case fastDiff.INSERT: { toParts.push({change}); break; } case fastDiff.DELETE: { fromParts.push({change}); break; } } } return ( <> {fromParts}
    {toParts} ); }