import {Settings, getSettings} from '../utilities'; (async (): Promise => { const settings: Settings = await getSettings(); if (!settings.features.hideVotes) { return; } const observer: MutationObserver = new window.MutationObserver( async (): Promise => { observer.disconnect(); await hideVotes(); startObserver(); } ); function startObserver(): void { observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); } await hideVotes(); startObserver(); })(); async function hideVotes(): Promise { const settings: Settings = await getSettings(); if ( { const commentVotes: HTMLButtonElement[] = [ ...document.querySelectorAll( '.btn-post-action[name="vote"]:not(.trx-votes-hidden)' ), ...document.querySelectorAll( '.btn-post-action[name="unvote"]:not(.trx-votes-hidden)' ) ] as HTMLButtonElement[]; for (const vote of commentVotes) { vote.classList.add('trx-votes-hidden'); vote.textContent = vote.textContent!.slice( 0, vote.textContent!.indexOf(' ') ); } } if ( { const commentVotes: NodeListOf = document.querySelectorAll( '.comment-votes' ); for (const vote of commentVotes) { vote.classList.add('trx-hidden'); } } if ( || { // Topics by other people will be encapsulated with a `