import {browser, Manifest} from 'webextension-polyfill-ts'; import {themeColors, ThemeKey} from './theme-colors'; export interface UserLabel { color: string; id: number; text: string; priority: number; username: string; } export interface Settings { data: { latestActiveFeatureTab: string; userLabels: UserLabel[]; version?: string; }; features: { backToTop: boolean; debug: boolean; jumpToNewComment: boolean; userLabels: boolean; [index: string]: boolean; }; } export const defaultSettings: Settings = { data: { latestActiveFeatureTab: 'debug', userLabels: [] }, features: { backToTop: true, debug: false, jumpToNewComment: true, userLabels: true } }; // Keep a local variable here for the debug logging, this way we don't have to // call `getSettings()` each time we potentially want to log something. It gets // set each time `getSettings()` is called so it's always accurate. let debug = true; export async function getSettings(): Promise { const syncSettings: any = await; const settings: Settings = { data: {,}, features: {...defaultSettings.features, ...syncSettings.features} }; debug = syncSettings.features.debug; // If we're in development, force debug output. if (getManifest().nodeEnv === 'development') { debug = true; } return settings; } export async function setSettings( newSettings: Partial ): Promise { return; } export function log(message: any, override = false): void { let overrideStyle = ''; let prefix = '[TRX]'; if (override) { prefix = '%c' + prefix; overrideStyle = 'background-color: #dc322f; margin-right: 9px;'; } if (debug || override) { console.debug(prefix, overrideStyle, message); } } // Helper function to convert kebab-case strings to camelCase ones. // Primarily for converting element IDs to Object keys. export function kebabToCamel(input: string): string { let output = ''; for (const part of input.split('-')) { output += part[0].toUpperCase(); output += part.slice(1); } return output[0].toLowerCase() + output.slice(1); } // The opposite of `kebabToCamel()`. export function camelToKebab(input: string): string { const uppercaseMatches: RegExpMatchArray | null = input.match(/[A-Z]/g); // If there are no uppercase letters in the input, just return it. if (uppercaseMatches === null) { return input; } // Find all the indexes of where uppercase letters are. const uppercaseIndexes: number[] = []; for (const match of uppercaseMatches) { const latestIndex: number = typeof uppercaseIndexes[uppercaseIndexes.length - 1] === 'undefined' ? 0 : uppercaseIndexes[uppercaseIndexes.length - 1]; uppercaseIndexes.push(input.indexOf(match, latestIndex + 1)); } // Convert each section up to the next uppercase letter to lowercase with // a dash between each section. let output = ''; let previousIndex = 0; for (const index of uppercaseIndexes) { output += input.slice(previousIndex, index).toLowerCase(); output += '-'; previousIndex = index; } output += input.slice(previousIndex).toLowerCase(); return output; } // This utility function should only be used in cases where we know for certain // that the wanted element is going to exist. export function querySelector(selector: string): T { return document.querySelector(selector)!; } export function createElementFromString(input: string): T { const template: HTMLTemplateElement = document.createElement('template'); template.innerHTML = input.trim(); return template.content.firstElementChild! as T; } export function isInTopicListing(): boolean { return document.querySelector('.topic-listing') !== null; } export function getManifest(): {nodeEnv?: string} & Manifest.ManifestBase { const manifest: Manifest.ManifestBase = browser.runtime.getManifest(); return {...manifest}; } export function getCurrentThemeKey(): ThemeKey { const body: HTMLBodyElement = querySelector('body'); const classes: string | null = body.getAttribute('class'); if (classes === null || !classes.includes('theme-')) { return 'white'; } const themeIndex: number = classes.indexOf('theme-'); const themeKey: ThemeKey = kebabToCamel( classes.slice( themeIndex + 'theme-'.length, classes.includes(' ', themeIndex) ? classes.indexOf(' ', themeIndex) : classes.length ) ) as ThemeKey; if (typeof themeColors[themeKey] === 'undefined') { log( `Attempted to retrieve theme key that's not defined: "${themeKey}" Using the white theme as fallback.`, true ); return 'white'; } return themeKey; } // Adapted from export function isColorBright(color: string): boolean { if (color.startsWith('#')) { color = color.slice(1); } if (color.length === 4) { color = color.slice(0, 3); } if (color.length === 8) { color = color.slice(0, 6); } if (color.length === 3) { color = color .split('') .map(val => val.repeat(2)) .join(''); } const red: number = parseInt(color.slice(0, 2), 16); const green: number = parseInt(color.slice(2, 4), 16); const blue: number = parseInt(color.slice(4, 6), 16); const brightness: number = 0.2126 * red + 0.7152 * green + 0.0722 * blue; return brightness > 128; } export function appendStyleAttribute(element: Element, styles: string): void { const existingStyles: string | null = element.getAttribute('style'); if (existingStyles === null) { element.setAttribute('style', styles); } else { element.setAttribute('style', `${existingStyles} ${styles}`); } } export function isValidHexColor(color: string): boolean { // Overly verbose validation for 3/4/6/8-character hex colors. if ( /^#[a-f0-9]{6}$/i.exec(color) === null && /^#[a-f0-9]{3}$/i.exec(color) === null && /^#[a-f0-9]{8}$/i.exec(color) === null && /^#[a-f0-9]{4}$/i.exec(color) === null ) { return false; } return true; } export function flashMessage(message: string, error = false): void { if (document.querySelector('.trx-flash-message') !== null) { log( `A flash message already exists, skipping requested one with message:\n${message}` ); return; } const messageElement: HTMLDivElement = createElementFromString( `
` ); if (error) { messageElement.classList.add('trx-flash-error'); } let isRemoved = false; messageElement.addEventListener('click', (): void => { messageElement.remove(); isRemoved = true; }); document.body.append(messageElement); setTimeout(() => { messageElement.classList.add('trx-opaque'); }, 50); setTimeout(() => { if (!isRemoved) { messageElement.classList.remove('trx-opaque'); setTimeout(() => { messageElement.remove(); }, 500); } }, 5000); } // Validation copied from Tildes source code: // export function isValidTildesUsername(username: string): boolean { return ( username.length > 3 && username.length < 20 && /^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9]|[_-](?![_-]))*[a-z0-9]$/i.exec(username) !== null ); }