# Development Guide ## Prerequisites ### Nix + Direnv If you have [Nix](https://nixos.org/) with flakes enabled and [Direnv](https://direnv.net/) installed, all you need to do is `direnv allow` the directory and all the prerequisites will be automatically installed. This may take a moment on first load. Firefox and git are excluded, which are assumed to already be present on your system. ### Manual To build and develop Tildes ReExtended you will need: * [git](https://git-scm.com) * [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org) (recommended 18.16.0) * [pnpm](https://pnpm.io) (recommended 8.6.0) * [cargo-make](https://sagiegurari.github.io/cargo-make/) ## cargo-make All the different tasks we'd want to do are setup in `Makefile.toml` to be used with `cargo-make` (or the `makers` alias). In the Tasks section below you can find a list of all the tasks, or you can look at the Makefile itself, where all the tasks have a description of what they do. ### Environment Two important environment variables are `BROWSER` and `NODE_ENV`. `BROWSER` dictates what browser should be targeted, by default `BROWSER="firefox"`. To target Chromium set `BROWSER="chromium"`. `NODE_ENV` dictates minifying and optimization found in `source/build.ts`, by default `NODE_ENV="development"` which does no minifying and includes sourcemaps in the build. Setting `NODE_ENV="production"` will minify and exclude sourcemaps. ### Tasks
Click to view all tasks * The most common scenario will likely be that you want a live-reloading browser instance, this can be done using the `dev` task. ```sh # If makers doesn't work, replace it with cargo-make. makers dev # To change the environment, prefix the command with the # variables you want to set. BROWSER="chromium" NODE_ENV="production" makers dev ``` * To watch for changes but without starting a live-reloading browser instance, use the `watch` task. ```sh makers watch # Which is a simple alias for the following. WATCH="true" makers build ``` * To start a browser instance with an already built extension present in the `build/` directory, the `run` task is available. Note that this will fail if the extension hasn't been built before. ```sh makers run ``` * To clean the build directory, a `clean` task is available. This uses `trash-cli` so if you accidentally remove something and want it back, check your trash bin where you can restore it. ```sh makers clean # Clean the Chromium directory. BROWSER="chromium" makers clean ``` * To lint the code, `lint` is the task. ```sh makers lint # To only lint JS or SCSS. makers lint-js makers lint-scss ``` * To pack the WebExtension for publishing, `pack` is what you need. ```sh # Make sure to set NODE_ENV, otherwise the extension size will be # a lot bigger than it needs to be. NODE_ENV="production" makers pack # To pack Chromium. BROWSER="chromium" NODE_ENV="production" makers pack ``` * Mozilla Addons requires the zipped source code too, since we're using minification, so `zip-source` is available. This uses Git's `archive` command. ```sh makers zip-source ```