import browser from "webextension-polyfill"; import {type JSX} from "preact"; import { Link, log, isValidHexColor, isValidTildesUsername, } from "../../utilities/exports.js"; import {migrations} from "../../storage/migrations/migrations.js"; import {type SettingProps, Setting} from "./index.js"; async function importFileHandler(event: Event): Promise { // Grab the imported files (if any). const fileList = ( as HTMLInputElement).files; if (fileList === null) { log("No file imported."); return; } const reader = new window.FileReader(); reader.addEventListener("load", async (): Promise => { let data: Record; try { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-base-to-string data = JSON.parse(reader.result!.toString()) as Record; } catch (error: unknown) { log(error, true); return; } if (!(data instanceof Object)) { log("Imported data is not an object", true); return; } // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-ternary if (data.version === "1.1.2") { await migrations[0].migrate(data); } else { await; } log("Successfully imported your settings, reloading the page to apply."); setTimeout(() => { window.location.reload(); }, 1000); }); reader.addEventListener("error", (): void => { log(reader.error, true); reader.abort(); }); reader.readAsText(fileList[0]); } async function exportSettings(event: MouseEvent): Promise { event.preventDefault(); const storage = await; const settingsBlob = new window.Blob([JSON.stringify(storage, null, 2)], { type: "text/json", }); const objectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(settingsBlob); try { await{ filename: "tildes-reextended-sync-data.json", url: objectUrl, saveAs: true, }); } catch (error: unknown) { log(error); } finally { // According to MDN, when creating an object URL we should also revoke it // when "it's safe to do so" to prevent excessive memory/storage use. // 60 seconds should probably be enough time to download the settings. setTimeout(() => { URL.revokeObjectURL(objectUrl); }, 60 * 1000); } } export function AboutSetting(props: SettingProps): JSX.Element { const importSettings = () => { document.querySelector("#import-settings")!.click(); }; const communityLink = ( ); const criusLink = ; const gitlabIssuesLink = ( ); const gitlabLicenseLink = ( ); const messageCommunityLink = ( ); const tildesExtendedLink = ( ); return (

This feature will make debugging logs output to the console when enabled.

Tildes ReExtended is a from-scratch recreation of the original{" "} {tildesExtendedLink} web extension by {criusLink}. Open-sourced with the{" "} {gitlabLicenseLink} and maintained as a {communityLink}.

To report bugs or request new features use the links at the bottom of this page, check out the {gitlabIssuesLink} or {messageCommunityLink} on Tildes.

Note that importing settings will delete and overwrite your existing ones.

); }