import {type JSX, render} from "preact"; import { extractGroups, initializeGlobals, log, userIsLoggedIn, } from "../utilities/exports.js"; import { Data, Feature, MiscellaneousFeature, fromStorage, } from "../storage/exports.js"; import { AutocompleteFeature, BackToTopFeature, JumpToNewCommentFeature, UserLabelsFeature, runAnonymizeUsernamesFeature, runCommentAnchorFixFeature, runGroupListSubscribeButtonFeature, runHideOwnUsernameFeature, runHideTopicsFeature, runHideVotesFeature, runMarkdownToolbarFeature, runThemedLogoFeature, runTopicInfoIgnore, runUnignoreAllButtonFeature, runUsernameColorsFeature, } from "./features/exports.js"; async function initialize() { const start =; initializeGlobals(); const enabledFeatures = await fromStorage(Data.EnabledFeatures); const miscEnabled = await fromStorage(Data.MiscellaneousEnabledFeatures); window.TildesReExtended.debug = enabledFeatures.value.has(Feature.Debug); // Any features that will use the knownGroups data should be added to this // array so that when groups are changed on Tildes, TRX can still update // them without having to change the hardcoded values. const usesKnownGroups = new Set([Feature.Autocomplete]); const knownGroups = await fromStorage(Data.KnownGroups); const userLabels = await fromStorage(Feature.UserLabels); const isLoggedIn = userIsLoggedIn(); if (!isLoggedIn) { log("User is not logged in, running with limited features enabled.", true); } // Only when any of the features that uses this data are enabled, try to save // the groups. if ( Array.from(usesKnownGroups).some((feature) => enabledFeatures.value.has(feature), ) ) { const extractedGroups = extractGroups(); if (extractedGroups !== undefined) { knownGroups.value = new Set(extractedGroups); await; } } const anonymizeUsernamesEnabled = enabledFeatures.value.has( Feature.AnonymizeUsernames, ); const observerFeatures: Array<() => void | Promise> = []; const observer = new window.MutationObserver(async () => { log("Page mutation detected, rerunning features."); observer.disconnect(); await Promise.all( (feature) => feature())); startObserver(); }); function startObserver() { observer.observe(document.body, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true, }); } if (anonymizeUsernamesEnabled) { const anonymizeUsernamesData = await fromStorage( Feature.AnonymizeUsernames, ); observerFeatures.push(async () => { await runAnonymizeUsernamesFeature(anonymizeUsernamesData.value); }); } if (enabledFeatures.value.has(Feature.HideTopics)) { observerFeatures.push(async () => { await runHideTopicsFeature(userLabels); }); } if (enabledFeatures.value.has(Feature.HideVotes)) { observerFeatures.push(async () => { const data = await fromStorage(Feature.HideVotes); runHideVotesFeature(data.value); }); } if (enabledFeatures.value.has(Feature.MarkdownToolbar) && isLoggedIn) { observerFeatures.push(() => { runMarkdownToolbarFeature(); }); } if (enabledFeatures.value.has(Feature.ThemedLogo)) { observerFeatures.push(() => { runThemedLogoFeature(); }); } if (enabledFeatures.value.has(Feature.UsernameColors)) { observerFeatures.push(async () => { const data = await fromStorage(Feature.UsernameColors); const randomizeUsernameColors = await fromStorage( Data.RandomizeUsernameColors, ); await runUsernameColorsFeature( data, anonymizeUsernamesEnabled, randomizeUsernameColors.value, ); }); } // Initialize all the observer-dependent features first. await Promise.all( (feature) => feature())); // Object to hold the active components we are going to render. const components: Record = {}; if (enabledFeatures.value.has(Feature.Autocomplete) && isLoggedIn) { components.autocomplete = ( ); } if (enabledFeatures.value.has(Feature.BackToTop)) { components.backToTop = ; } if (enabledFeatures.value.has(Feature.JumpToNewComment) && isLoggedIn) { components.jumpToNewComment = ; } if (enabledFeatures.value.has(Feature.UserLabels)) { components.userLabels = ( ); } if (miscEnabled.value.has(MiscellaneousFeature.CommentAnchorFix)) { runCommentAnchorFixFeature(); } if ( miscEnabled.value.has(MiscellaneousFeature.GroupListSubscribeButtons) && isLoggedIn ) { runGroupListSubscribeButtonFeature(); } if ( miscEnabled.value.has(MiscellaneousFeature.HideOwnUsername) && isLoggedIn ) { runHideOwnUsernameFeature(); } if ( miscEnabled.value.has(MiscellaneousFeature.TopicInfoIgnore) && isLoggedIn ) { runTopicInfoIgnore(); } if ( miscEnabled.value.has(MiscellaneousFeature.UnignoreAllButton) && isLoggedIn ) { runUnignoreAllButtonFeature(); } // Insert a placeholder at the end of the body first, then render the rest // and use that as the replacement element. Otherwise render() would put it // at the beginning of the body which causes a bunch of different issues. const replacement = document.createElement("div"); document.body.append(replacement); // The jump to new comment button must come right before // the back to top button. The CSS depends on them being in this order. render(
{components.jumpToNewComment} {components.backToTop} {components.autocomplete} {components.userLabels}
, document.body, replacement, ); // Start the mutation observer only when some features depend on it are enabled. if (observerFeatures.length > 0) { startObserver(); } const initializedIn = - start; log(`Initialized in approximately ${initializedIn} milliseconds.`); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", initialize);