import {html} from 'htm/preact'; import { getSettings, exportSettings, importFileHandler, Link, log, removeAllData, Setting, SettingProps, TRXComponent } from '../..'; async function logSettings() { log(await getSettings(), true); } export function AboutSetting(props: SettingProps): TRXComponent { const importSettings = () => { (document.querySelector('#import-settings') as HTMLInputElement).click(); }; const communityLink = html` <${Link} url="" text="Tildes Community project" /> `; const criusLink = html` <${Link} url="" text="Crius" /> `; const gitlabIssuesLink = html` <${Link} url="" text="GitLab issue tracker" /> `; const gitlabLicenseLink = html` <${Link} url="" text="MIT License" /> `; const messageCommunityLink = html` <${Link} url="" text="message Community" /> `; const tildesExtendedLink = html` <${Link} url="" text="Tildes Extended" /> `; return html`<${Setting} ...${props}>

This feature will make debugging logs output to the console when enabled.

Tildes ReExtended is a from-scratch recreation of the original${' '} ${tildesExtendedLink} web extension by ${criusLink}. Open-sourced${' '} with the ${gitlabLicenseLink} and maintained as a ${communityLink}.

To report bugs or request new features use the links at the bottom of this page, check out the ${gitlabIssuesLink} or ${messageCommunityLink}${' '} on Tildes.

Note that importing settings will delete and overwrite your existing ones.

Danger Zone
`; }