import {offset, Offset} from 'caret-pos'; import {html} from 'htm/preact'; import {Component} from 'preact'; import {log, querySelectorAll, Settings} from '..'; type Props = { settings: Settings; }; type State = { groups: Set; groupsHidden: boolean; groupsMatches: Set; groupsPosition: Offset | null; usernames: Set; usernamesHidden: boolean; usernamesMatches: Set; usernamesPosition: Offset | null; }; export class AutocompleteFeature extends Component { constructor(props: Props) { super(props); // Get all the groups without their leading tildes. const groups = => value.startsWith('~') ? value.slice(1) : value ); // Get all the usernames on the page without their leading @s, and get // all the username from the saved user labels. const usernames = [ ...querySelectorAll('.link-user').map((value) => value.textContent!.replace(/^@/, '').toLowerCase() ), => value.username) ].sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)); this.state = { groups: new Set(groups), groupsHidden: true, groupsMatches: new Set(groups), groupsPosition: null, usernames: new Set(usernames), usernamesHidden: true, usernamesMatches: new Set(usernames), usernamesPosition: null }; // Add a keydown listener for the entire page. document.addEventListener('keydown', this.globalInputHandler); log( `Autocomplete: Initialized with ${this.state.groups.size} groups and ` + `${this.state.usernames.size} usernames.` ); } globalInputHandler = (event: KeyboardEvent) => { const activeElement = document.activeElement as HTMLElement; // Only add the autocompletes to textareas. if (activeElement.tagName !== 'TEXTAREA') { return; } // Helper function to create autocompletes with. const createHandler = ( prefix: string, target: string, values: Set ) => { const dataAttribute = `data-trx-autocomplete-${target}`; if (event.key === prefix && !activeElement.getAttribute(dataAttribute)) { activeElement.setAttribute(dataAttribute, 'true'); activeElement.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => { this.textareaInputHandler(event, prefix, target, values); }); this.textareaInputHandler(event, prefix, target, values); } }; createHandler('~', 'groups', this.state.groups); createHandler('@', 'usernames', this.state.usernames); }; textareaInputHandler = ( event: KeyboardEvent, prefix: string, target: string, values: Set ) => { const textarea = as HTMLTextAreaElement; const text = textarea.value; // If the prefix isn't in the textarea, return early. if (!text.includes(prefix)) { this.hide(target); return; } // Grab the starting position of the caret (text cursor). const position = textarea.selectionStart; // Grab the last index of the prefix inside the beginning of the textarea // and the starting position of the caret. const prefixIndex = text.slice(0, position).lastIndexOf(prefix); // Grab the input between the prefix and the caret position, which will be // what the user is currently typing. const input = text.slice(prefixIndex + prefix.length, position); // If there is any whitespace in the input or there is no input at all, // return early. Usernames cannot have whitespace in them. if (/\s/.test(input) || input === '') { this.hide(target); return; } // Find all the values that match the input using `includes`. const matches = new Set( [...values].filter((value) => value.includes(input.toLowerCase())) ); // If there are no matches, return early. if (matches.size === 0) { this.hide(target); return; } // Otherwise make sure the list is shown in the correct place and also // has all the new matches., offset(textarea)); this.update(target, matches); }; update = (target: string, matches: Set) => { if (target === 'groups') { this.setState({ groupsMatches: matches }); } else if (target === 'usernames') { this.setState({ usernamesMatches: matches }); } }; show = (target: string, position: Offset) => { if (target === 'groups') { this.setState({ groupsHidden: false, groupsPosition: position }); } else if (target === 'usernames') { this.setState({ usernamesHidden: false, usernamesPosition: position }); } }; hide = (target: string) => { if (target === 'groups') { this.setState({groupsHidden: true}); } else if (target === 'usernames') { this.setState({usernamesHidden: true}); } }; render() { // Create the list of groups and usernames. const groups = [...this.state.groupsMatches].map( (value) => html`
  • ~${value}
  • ` ); const usernames = [...this.state.usernamesMatches].map( (value) => html`
  • @${value}
  • ` ); // Create the CSS class whether or not to hide the autocomplete. const groupsHidden = this.state.groupsHidden ? 'trx-hidden' : ''; const usernamesHidden = this.state.usernamesHidden ? 'trx-hidden' : ''; // Create the position for the group and usernames autocomplete. const groupsLeft = this.state.groupsPosition?.left ?? 0; const groupsTop = (this.state.groupsPosition?.top ?? 0) + (this.state.groupsPosition?.height ?? 0); const usernamesLeft = this.state.usernamesPosition?.left ?? 0; const usernamesTop = (this.state.usernamesPosition?.top ?? 0) + (this.state.usernamesPosition?.height ?? 0); return html`
    `; } }