import {html} from 'htm/preact'; import {Component} from 'preact'; import {log, querySelector, querySelectorAll} from '..'; type Props = Record; type State = { hidden: boolean; newCommentCount: number; previousComment: HTMLElement | null; }; export class JumpToNewCommentFeature extends Component { constructor() { super(); const newCommentCount = querySelectorAll('').length; this.state = { hidden: false, newCommentCount, previousComment: null }; if (newCommentCount === 0) { log('Jump To New Comment: 0 new comments found, not doing anything.'); } else { log( `Jump To New Comment: Initialized for ${newCommentCount} new comments.` ); } } jump = () => { // Remove the new comment style from the previous // jumped comment if there is one. this.state.previousComment?.classList.remove('is-comment-new'); const newestComment = document.querySelector( '' ); // If there are no new comments left, hide the button. if (newestComment === null) { log('Jump To New Comment: Final comment reached, hiding the button.'); this.setState({hidden: true}); return; } // If the newest comment is invisible, expand all comments to make it visible. if (newestComment.offsetParent === null) { querySelector('[data-js-comment-expand-all-button]').click(); } newestComment.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'}); this.setState({previousComment: newestComment}); }; render() { const newCommentCount = this.state.newCommentCount; // If there are no new comments, don't render anything. if (newCommentCount === 0) { return; } const commentsLeft = querySelectorAll('').length; const hidden = this.state.hidden ? 'trx-hidden' : ''; return html` Jump To New Comment (${commentsLeft}/${this.state.newCommentCount}) `; } }